Strategic Placement of Weapons


New member
A few questions for you all. I know people who have weapons placed about every 5 feet or so throughout their house. I am trying to get a gauge as to what the norm is. I know there are some out there that will keep their carry weapons on them in the house as well, but then again, I am sure there are others who do not. So...

How do you strategically place your weapons throughout your house??

Is one on each floor sufficient?? One in each room?? Just one in the bedroom?? Different types in different locations??

How do you secure these satellite weapons??

Thanks in advance for the input.


New member
tmd11111 said:
A little paranoid are we !!!

Some might consider owning a gun at all paranoid. Others do not. It's all relative. I'll mark you down as someone who thinks that one every 5 feet is excessive :D.

Some people want the assurance of having a gun close by at all times, but like to have lounge wear on at home. After all, they have just lugged that uncomfortable piece of steel in their pants for 8-10 hours. Besides, if you have the guns, the money for safe storage, and live alone, why not??

Tucker 1371

New member
My beef with keeping weapons in various locations around the house is that they could fall into the hands of the intruder they were meant to stop. Plus I think it's a little unnecessary. If you CCW and you're that concerned about it just keep your CCW on you at home. As for me, one gun upstairs and one gun downstairs is sufficient.

Southern Rebel

New member
Some might consider owning a gun at all paranoid. Others do not. It's all relative. I'll mark you down as someone who thinks that one every 5 feet is excessive

Interesting thought. I guess that means that as long as we can stay between "Totally Naive" and "Totally Paranoid", we are normal - it's just that some of are more normal than others?

Now all that is left is for some social scientist to produce a chart that will intertwine all the relative factors such as neighborhood, individual situational awareness quotient, and our structural environment. (Now that gives me a headache!)

I used to have just one gun in the house - in the bedroom. Then a comment on a gun forum a couple of years ago greatly influenced me. The comment was basically that if you feel the need to have a gun in your house, you should also feel the need to have immediate access to it. I now subscribe to that theory. I have one in the bedroom, one in the den, and one that I carry if I am not gonna be located in one of those two rooms for an extended time. (ie sleeping, computering, coach-potato practicing). The carry is just a pocket pistol, but still better than nothing.

I am probably a little closer to paranoid than naive :), but I just think of it as being a little more prepared than maybe I have to be. I relate it to my paranoid habit of carrying a decent amount of cash around with me. It just gives me a "comfort zone" within which I am content.


New member
Southern Rebel said:
Interesting thought. I guess that means that as long as we can stay between "Totally Naive" and "Totally Paranoid", we are normal - it's just that some of are more normal than others?

Once again, normal is a severely relative term. As an old football coach once told me, "We are all messed up, just some of us are more messed up than others." Of course I changed the language to appease the mods;).

GSUeagle1089 said:
My beef with keeping weapons in various locations around the house is that they could fall into the hands of the intruder they were meant to stop.

I agree. That's one point that I brought up with
NightSight said:
How do you secure these satellite weapons??

I'll toss out an answer to my own question. One solution that I have considered is placing a gun vault in a closet on each floor. Any thoughts??
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New member
GSUeagle makes a very valid point. My guns are all secured in my bedroom. When I'm home at night, I tend to watch tv in my chair next to the front window and I watch all sorts of assorted creatures of the night walk by my house. I keep a gun with me then. I lock it up in the safe when I hit the hay. I can't keep anything stashed around the house for another reason. I have 2 small children. Especially with my son, it would be a serious liability. At 2 1/2, he's already one of us. He likes his guns. I find his toys around the house eough. He doesn't need to find mine.


New member
If it's not on my hip then it's somewhere in reach. I keep all but my CCW locked up. I can see the benefits of having a couple guns secured throughout the home (ie kitchen, upstairs, entryway, etc.) but every 5 feet is a bit excessive IMO. Let's say you live in an average size house, maybe 1500 - 2000 sq ft... That's a lot of hidden guns :)


New member
One upstairs, one downstairs. When I go to bed, the "downstairs" gun goes upstairs, and gets locked in a GunVault. The "upstairs" gun is my CCW, so it goes with me when I leave the house.

Everything else in the big safe. No unsecured guns when I'm not home.


New member
Due to the fact that I live in a rental property I keep one weapon. My carry gun. If it is not on my body it is within reach at all times. I have had guns stolen from my apartment once by one of the employees there, so I learned the lesson the hard way. Also I live 3 blocks from a halfway house for newly released felons, and directly behind a "no tell motel" so I just keep one to prevent a theft of my firearms from happening again.


New member
After all, they have just lugged that uncomfortable piece of steel in their pants for 8-10 hours.

really, truly its not all that heavy and I carry a big old bulky P-90, dosen't bother me one bit.


New member
I keep my SA XD40sc on my person at all times, I keep all my rifles in my armory/office,on my night stand sits my S&W 640 and my XD40. Next to my night stand is my Remington tactical 12 gadge pump and my grandfather's old doublebarrel coach gun.On my wife's nightstand sits her Kahr CW40 and her old Taurus M85. In the master bathroom I keep a .25 Raven auto next to the crapper. In the kitchen in the back of the silverwear drawr I keep a loaded S&W 686. I think that about covers it.