Strange VZ 58 safety lever issue


New member
Went out shooting with the VZ 58 today. All went well, but I noticed something strange. When engaging the safety, I realized it didn't have a positive stop at the safe selector position. It does stop and click into place there, but when pushed, will continue to move another 180 degrees to a third position directly parallel to the fire setting. It will not fire on this setting, as if the safety were on, and it acts normally, but it had me a little concerned. What would cause that?

I have never done anything beyond basic field stripping on this gun, which doesn't involve the trigger system at all (just the bolt, carrier, and piston assembly). Is this something to worry about it? It's a Century VZ2008 if it helps


New member
The military version is a three position switch in a similar manner as an m4/16.

On the military Vz, down is safe, forward is auto, and rear is semi.

On the Century Vz, the safety flips to the rear for fire, as would be expected to mirror the semi auto setting of the military rifle... But it can be moved forward to where the "auto" position would be on a military version, but in this position the trigger is dead, as the rifle is incapable of auto fire. It will not function in a semi auto mode either, the trigger is completely disconnected and pulling it will do nothing.

On the Czechpoint Vz, the safety is rotated forward to enter semi mode. This is backwards to what the military rifle does to enter semi mode, but I think it makes sense as being the easiest direction to manipulate the safety on and off with the trigger finger. I do not know if it can rotate to the rear fully or not, but if it can, I suspect it wold be a dead trigger on that rifle as well.

Do you have the Century or a Czechpoint/CZ?


New member
I have the Century VZ. The middle position is safety. Flip the lever up with your thumb and it points up towards the fire position. However, if I return it back to safety and then move it in the other direction, it will move to a position opposite fire.

It's possible it's always done this and I just never noticed. The trigger was dead in this position. I checked to be sure because moving to the third position scared me a little lol


New member
Quite a few ex military guns have the 3rd position.
The FAL oin particular gets lots of panic over the lever going to the "A" position. It does nothing but many chose to use various techniques to prevent the extra access. Not because it actually does anything, but because they're concerned ill trained LEO's might misunderstand the ability to do so.


New member
Mine did this too. When I first got it I was function testing it and got too excited to realize I had the lever in the wrong position. Thought my gun was a lemon. Messed with it some more and realized I was just being an idiot. I believe this is just the way it is.