Strange on-line happening.....


I was on-line at the FALfiles, when I got an IM pop-up. What is strange is that it was from a person I have never spoken with, nor did I recognize. The person claimed to be 'bubbles' from I haven't posted at in MONTHS. Further, I've never been in a thread with anyone called 'bubbles'. And yet this person sends me an IM on AOL like they know me. Wierd. Anyone else have an experience like that?


New member
No, but what did you do? I would have asked them to not contact me again, and then surfed over to to investigate who Bubbles is.

But I really wouldn't worry about it too much. By the way, was he/she a female?

Jorah Lavin

New member
They probably just found your IM number in an old post,

or were just spammers doing arbitrary letter-number combos, like a bunch of the email type spam I get.

I got so many silly things like that that I finally un-installed the IM client... haven't missed it at all.



New member
Yep, same thing I did.

When I get spammed, I delete the e-mail or message immediately, without replying to it, all the reply does is tell them they got a good e-mail address (in most cases).


I didn't reply. It was an IM, not an e-mail, and it was two IMs. The first was a 'hi there', and the second was a 'oh, I'm so-and-so from'.

I tried running a search over there, but their software isn't as capable as it is here.


New member
Bubbles is an Second Amendment Sisters member from Northern VA

She's cool

What was the user name in AOL IM that pinged you?


Don't remember.....B-sumtin'-sumtin', and some numbers. Very uncool to 'ping' someone you've never met/don't know. Thanks, DZ, I'll relax now.
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New member
I agree with ewok.

You can change the setting on AIM so that only people on your buddy list can talk to you.


Don't know anything about the buddy list. Don't have one. Oh, if I wanted to 'meet' someone on-line, I'd go to the personals or mail-order bride site. That's not even relevant to this discussion.

Anyway, I'll play with the settings. Thanks.


Wow, ToR, you're just so....well, I'll keep it polite. Condescending. I was just being a touch sarcastic. Run along and get mad and cry in your milk.