Strange Malf


New member
This happened to me today during Stage 3, String 2 of the IDPA classifier.
I had two magazines on my left hip, one in the pistol, and two more in my left front jeans pocket. As I finished the first string of Stage 3, I rotated the two mags from my pocket to my mag pouches. When I reloaded my pistol in the middle of the string it failed to go into battery. O.K.-Tap, Rack, Ba.... Tap, Rack, Ba... Rip, Rack, Reload, Rack, Ba...Rack, Rack, SHUCKS, it's not going into battery!
Must be a grand malf. Tear it apart and find... denim lint in the recess of the breech face keeping the barrel from locking up.
It had to come from the first round in that mag that came from my left front pocket!
After the laughter died down all of the advice I received that is fit to print was to do a pocket lint check prior to going into a gunfight.
They let me re-shoot Stage 3, but the damage was done. My ego and confidence was smashed for the day.
Neil Casper

[This message has been edited by Cat (edited September 03, 2000).]

Jim V

New member
That is why we have been told not to carry magazines and/or our pistols unprotected in our pockets.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Just to second Jim's advice, I once had a target paster attach itself to a 1911 mag, survive the ride through the gun and get ejected. Makes your SO somewhat wobbly in the legs.... :D



New member
i use a rough side out pocket mag holder for my Kahr mags. holds the mag plate side up and keeps out dirt and lint. i still pull the mag out every now and then to check for dust bunnies ect. plus it is a good idea to turn your pockets inside out every now and then to dump out grit and lint.
good shooting

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what is for lunch.
Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the outcome of the vote.
Let he that hath no sword sell his garment and buy one. Luke 22-36
They all hold swords, being expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh because of fear in the night. Song of Solomon 3-8
The man that can keep his head and aims carefully when the situation has gone bad and lead is flying usually wins the fight.