store wont carry mossberg?


New member
went to my closest gun dealer today to either pickup or order a new mossberg 590a1. 12 gauge. The real nice one with the ghost ring sights, heavy barrel and metal safety,trigger gaurd. The store clerk told me the owner wont carry or order mossberg products at all. Say's he doesnt like the way they work or shoot. This shotgun has every thing "stock" on it that I want, and even if it isnt the "cadillac" of brands I have heard nothing but mostly good about them. I call b.s on the store clerks excuse and will be going to another store for the gun. Has anyone else come across this with products at gun stores. I found it interesting he doesnt carry mossberg's but carry's taurus like to no end. I have often found in the past that alot of gun dealers in my area dont seem to know beans about products in the industry and wouldnt count on any info a dealer had to say to me. there opinions are largely profit motivated


New member
That would be my guess since the price of a Mossberg 500 hasn't went up but maybe $15 in 25 years. I bought my first one in 82 for $150 and can still buy them at walmart for $159. Check at walmart they can order mossbergs they don't have in stock. Also, try gander mountain or make a trip to Cabelas they aren't far from you.


New member
Your gun store owner is full of s#*t! They just don't want to carry it because they can't jack the price way up to make a huge profit! If the Mossberg 500 wasn't a good gun, they wouldn't still be making them - much less in all those different configurations.


New member
I think you guys have answered your own questions.If the Mossberg costs $159 at Walmart how can that guy compete at that price, so just don't sell them.If any good shotgun is what now $5-600 and a Mossberg is $159 and it's not cheap??????????????????:confused:


New member
Gun Stores

Yeah that is weird. I had one guy tell me that Bushmaster makes a CA Legal AR-15. I kind of believed them until Bushmaster told me that they don't. And yes a Mossberg with metal parts to replace the plastic parts is definitely the way to go.


New member
My cheap Mossberg 500

Has been in hard use for 11 years now.:) I'm a lefty and really like the way the safety and action bar release are set up. Best money I ever spent on a gun, you should go find a dealer who is worried more about what the customer wants than his profit margin.


New member
I didnt so much mind the fact they wouldnt order it but to tell me it's becuase the owner thinks it's of piece of junk is flat out insulting my intellegence. I will never go to this store again. P.S I went to another store put a down payment down and had a 590-a1 on order. me so happy, cant wait to get my "military 12 gauge." that's what the description is on the order reciept. :rolleyes:


New member
For the life of me, I can't understand why someone would even criticize one. I also like the way the safety and action bar is set up. Mine has been perfect, and the fit and finish is really good. The only thing I can figure, is that they must really fluctuate in quality, and I was lucky and I got a good one.


New member
Everytime I have Wildalaska send me a new toy, I have it shipped to a dealer here whose store motto is "Just Glocks". Everytime I pick up my new gun, he informs me that I could have had a Glock for less than the Colt I just bought. Everytime he says that, I smile politely, pay my $25 transfer fee, do my NICS check, and walk out. As long as he will do the transfer, I'll go there. If he starts saying that he won't transfer anything but Glocks, I'll take my money elsewhere.

Never let a gunstore tell you what you want. Opinions are like ***holes, everybody has one. Your satisfaction with the final product is all that matters.


New member
prior quote: "...I had one guy tell me that Bushmaster makes a CA Legal AR-15. I kind of believed them until Bushmaster told me that they don't..."

Off topic from this original thread, but there does appear to be a company which modifies a Bushmaster-brand receiver, among others, to make a California-legal AR-15 type gun.

The modification typically involves making the receiver into one having a fixed/non-removable, 10-round magazine.

Now back to the original thread about getting a Mossberg shotgun...


New member
I know of a dealer fairly close to me with similar attitudes... I don't buy anything from him, but make a habbit of going in and asking for things I know he won't carry. Then I make a point of telling him where I'm going to spend my money to get what I need. :rolleyes:


New member
Would it be better to buy a Mossberg shotgun (500 type) at a Walmart or an actual gun store? I don't know...I guess it just feels weird to me, the thought of purchasing a shotgun at Walmart. But if you can would they have a Mossberg 500 type 12 gauge shotgun? I am interested in possibly purchasing this. Do they come with the "cruiser-grip" or would I have to buy that separate and have it put on? Also, how do I go about buying a gun? I'm 20 years old, never bought a gun. Can I just walk in to a gunshop or a Walmart and purchase it after they run a background check or what?


New member
Go to Walmart. It's much cheaper "out the door." They will probably have to order it for you. You will have to fill out papers, and they will have to do a background check. Is 18 the legal age or is it 21? They will tell you what needs to be done, if you get someone who knows a little something(?). You won't go wrong with the 500.