

New member
Heres a quick one for you all

I have never worried about storage on a gun(rifle) before as did not have anything other than 22. I now have a very nice ,costly rifle. Question

All i have is a hard case.I cleaned it very well and ran a swab with oil down barrel,Can i leave it in hard case all winter or not.What is best way to store it for winter months

I know some people who do store their firearms this way, but I do not. They also put those silica(sp) packets (like you find in food packages that reduce/remove moisture). It seems to work, but I don't want to chance the finish on my rifles...Enclosed in a case will tend to attract and hold moisture (probably not enough for you to feel by touch), and we all know prolonged exposure to moisture is not good for firearms.

I store mine in my closet in the open air. Hidden away out of sight of course, but not in any kind of case.


New member
If you hard case is foam lined I would not let the bare foam rest against the metal surfaces. foam linings are notorious for retaining moisture. Get a silicon impregnated gun sock and slip the rifle into it then put it in the case. Better yet get a gun safe or at least a gun cabinet. I started with one of the $79 8 gun stack on cabinets and it worked well enough until I could save up for a real safe. I still use it for some of my low end long guns and air rifles.