Stop Using Partisan Political Terms to Describe Anti-Gunners!

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New member
Every time I see a pro-gun person use the word "liberal" to describe anti-gun people it drives me crazy. All they're doing is hurting our cause and pushing away potential allies.

Please, stop using partisan terms like "liberal" to refer to anti-gun people! There are pro-gun people from all political leanings; by bringing partisan politics into the gun debate all you do is alienate people who might otherwise be on our side (or at least not against us).

Let's try to keep the political language neutral, that way we stand a better chance of increasing public support for our cause.


New member

I no longer use terms like Pro-Gun or Anti-Gun as they are political and subjective. Instead, I use Pro-2A to support my stand on guns. .... :rolleyes:

Being, Progressive or Regressive, should not be the focus. The Constitution is "sovereign" and that is greater than any politics or office. .. ;))

Be Safe !!!
Theo raises a good point, but the irony is that discussions like this inevitably degenerate into partisan finger-pointing. So, I'm closing this one on a high note.
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