Stocking Up?


New member
I had a sort of humorous situation occur this afternoon. First, the not so funny part was an attempted break-in at neighbor’s home. When the Police arrived they found the neighbor’s front door was broken, but apparently they did not gain access to the home.

As the Police Officer is taking my statement the UPS driver shows up with a delivery of ammunition. So, here he comes down the driveway with three large boxes labeled “Winchester: Caution – Ammunition”. The Police Officer looks at me and says, “Stocking up?”. Trying to be funny I say, “well, based on today’s events I may need to”. He then stops and looks at me very seriously and I am certain a stern lecture is imminent. However, he winks and says, “shoot straight”.


New member
No, the Police contacted him, but he is out of town on business. I am not sure if the bad guys knew this or not, but the Police seemed to think it was most likely just random.


New member
wish all cops were that friendly.

Yes, I had just spent about 30 minutes talking to the guy or I am sure I wouldn’t have joked with him. He was new to the force having recently left the Army where he had done tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He seemed to have a very good perspective on his job and his relationship to the public.
I remember ordering ammo for work. My boss had just signed the purchase order and a few days later about a half a dozen or so wood crates of ammo are deliverd by the brown truck for me and my buddies. :p My boss thinks its the ammo he signed for. :eek:

All civil servants should be so dedicated to spend a lot of their own money on bullets. If we spent a long time at the range, we had already exhausted our gubmint bullets and were shooting at our expense. :)


New member
When I was in LE I took a different approach then the officer in the OPs post.

I ran across a lot of people who were into guns, stocking up or what ever.

I'd ask them where they shot, if they were just plinker's I'd shame them into competing with others. I'd give them contact information for our Clubs and challenge them to come out to shoot with us.

Got a lot of new shooters at our matches that way.