Stock refinishing


New member
I am about to refinish a couple of stocks using Dfariswheel's method,

I put tape over the checkering to try to avoid damage when sanding but some damage was inevitable. 1.- At what point during the refinishing should I clean up the checkering with the checkering tool. 2.- At what point during refinishing should the checkering have the finish applied. This is taking into account light sanding between coats. I assume you want a very light coat on the checkering, would it be a good idea to use a soft toothbrush to work it into the checkering so there won't be any excess filling up the checkering? Should the checkering only have one coat?
Sorry for the barrage of questions, but I don't want to mess it up after all this sanding.


New member
When you decide you have the finish you want, recut the checkering, then put a light coat of finish in the checkering with a fine paintbrush or toothbrush, then put a very light coat on the whole stock to avoid having to blend lines later. The checkered wood will soak up the finish you put in it while still retaining sharpness of the points.


New member
That's what I was thinking Scorch, I appreciate the confirmation, I hate doing a lot of work on something only to make a huge mess of it because of something small.