Stock + Pistol Grip: Good? Bad? OK?


New member
After shooting and dry-firing my Mossberg 590A1 (excellent gun), I'm having problems getting a good grip on it. Since I'm left eye dominant, I find that it's much easier for me to shoot left handed, but my left arm is screwed up. I can't turn my hand palm up, so it is very difficult for me to hold a conventional stock, either left handed or right handed (right handed, I can't hold the slide right, and I have to squint to aim.) I know that pistol-grip-only configurations make it impossible to aim or handle the recoil, so I'm thinking of using a full stock plus a pistol grip. I'm thinking of getting the SpeedFeed III stock as seen here.


What do you think of this configuration?


New member
If it is what you gotta do, then go for it. Just be aware that reaching the safety might be a bit difficult. Shouldn't be a big issue though unless you are on an entry team or something. LAter.
Have a Benelli M1 Super 90 tactical with attached pistol grip and find it's handling to be excellent. Very similar to the configuration shown in the picture.

I feel more positive control with the pistol grip than without. Also agree that shotguns with only the pistol grip and no stock to be almost totally unmanageable under recoil. Just my .02 cents.

Safe shooting.


New member
I use a solid Speedfeed stock on my Rem 870. Reaching the safety is not an issue for me. But it will be for you with the Mossy, since you have the top mounted safety.

I find that I can consistently shoot better and hit my target faster with this type of a stock over the conventional one.



New member
This sounds like the plan. Does anybody know the pull of a SpeedFeed III stock? I've found the pull of the out-of-the-box stock to be too long (14"). Is there a model that has a 13" pull that still has the extra shell tubes?

I'm gonna have to get a bayonet as well, since the 590A1 comes with the lug. I want a gun that is both comfortable for me to shoot and has the maximum political incorrectness value. :D Are there any other accessories that I should get that would make the Sarah Bradys and Dianne Feinsteins wet themselves?


New member
Well I ended up getting the Choate pistol grip stock, which had spacers on it so I can adjust the pull. Man, it is much better now. I can actually hold on to the thing and aim it now. I also got a bayonet while I was shopping - what good is a bayonet lug without a bayonet? :D


New member
My PD just switched over to Speedfeed III-stocked SGs, and I don't like them. However, that is personal preference only. I grew up shooting non-PGed shotguns and I have to adjust to the new style. The quality of the speedfeed seems fine.

If you like PGs, its a good stock.
