Stock for '17 Enfield?


New member
I have a 1917 Enfield, (US Rifle of 1917) that I salvaged from a Bubba'd mess
I completed the sporterization properly and well including a decent stock purchased from a fellow on a shooting forum.
Well the rifle is accurate, reliable and good looking. Now I want to rectify some mistakes I made with the wood stock and improve the quality of the wood.
Some of the things I want in a new unfinished stock are:
1, Stock cut for a shortened magazine well. Standard is 6 rds and is fairly deep. I want 4 or 5 rd. Mag floorplate / trigger guard has been straightened.
2, Cutout for bolt handle not cut. Present bolt handle has been re-shaped without the dog leg.
3, Selection of wood to be AA fancy or better, within reasonable cost limits.

I have looked for unfinished stocks and found none that can or will satisfy my plans.
Any suggestions as to an unfinished stock company that can or will do what I want?



New member
Have you actually spoken with/contacted anyone @ The Great American Gunstock Co ?

They've made a stock for me, with a feature delete - so mayhaps they could delete the bolt handle inlet on this $120 Enfield stock pattern, or have another option available.




New member
You can call any reputable stockmaker and get the stock you are looking for. Yes, Great American Gunstocks can do it (if they are over the little production blips they were having), or Richards Microfit could do it (they typically come without a bolt handle cutout, they do deep mag or straightened floorplate), or Macon Gunstocks (the one on their website has the full magazine profile, they may fix that).