Stingers in my 10/22


New member
I've been using my 10/22 to erase some of the local polecats and have run up on a problem. I bought Remington Yellow Jackets, because the manual says not to use CCI Stingers in the 10/22. I've shot 2, both clean head shots, both DRT (dead right there), but my son shot one last night and it took 3 shots. At first I thought maybe my son needed a bit more practice, but upon closer examination ( much fun I assure you:barf: ) all three shots were good solid chest cavity hits and there didn't appear to be any expantion. I'm used to using Stingers and a Marlin mod 60 on vermin, and the stinger is devestating. Does anyone use Stingers in their 10/22? If not, does anyone have a good suggestion? I've read about the CCI that uses a gold dot (velociraptor?), but haven't seen them. That may be the ticket. Until then I'm using the SKS for all my extermination task. That'll learn 'em.

629 shooter

New member
I thought I read that Stingers were not recommended for use in the 10/22T - the heavy barrel target version. The standard 10/22 I thought it was ok. A friend of mine shot them through his 10/22 in high school (a while back!) and there did not seem to be any problems.

The Velocitors use a 40 grain bullet - the Stinger is 29 grains if memory serves me. The Velocitor also uses a standard length case where the Stinger uses a slightly longer case - I think that is the reason it is not recommended for the 10/22T - the 10/22T has a match type chamber.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I vaguely recall shooting Stingers in my 10/22, but with little accuracy. Later, in a test of about seven or eight various brands and velocities, I found the QuikShok to be the most accurate.

On a rock squirrel at about 20 yards, the exit wound from a QuikShok was rather impressive.


Dave Markowitz

New member
I've shot Stingers in my 10/22, which is the standard, plain-Jane model. It worked fine, although it wasn't all that accurate.

My rifle really likes Winchester Power Points.


New member
I bought Remington Yellow Jackets, because the manual says not to use CCI Stingers in the 10/22.
I've been using Stingers in my 10/22 for all these years and never knew that.Of course,I've never read my owners manual either..
Now you've got my curiosity peeked. I'm going to have to go through some stuff in my storage shed and see if I can find my owners manual...I have this gut feeling that I don't have one..


New member
I think the Stinger restriction for 10/22's is based on the heavy barrel versions.

A common warning on any of the 10/22 heavy barrel rifles is that unfired cartridges may not eject. These guns have tighter chambers than the standard 10/22, and the bullet engraves quite forcefully into the rifling when the bolt closes. I'm betting that while the CCI Stinger works just fine in the standard 10/22, it will probably jam a 10/22T, or a match-chambered 10/22 heavy barrel conversion. That, or the extra pressure of the Stinger moves the bolt faster than the magazine spring can work with, causing jams?


New member
.22 chambers

The heavy barrelled 10/22 Target, aka 10/22T, has a tighter chamber. It's called a "Bentz chamber" and is a compromise for semi-auto rifles whose reliability would suffer if a "Match chamber" was used.

The Stinger case is a tiny bit longer than other .22 LR cases. .001" longer I think.

The "regular" 10/22, with the contoured barrel, has a "sporter" chamber which is not as tight and will accomodate the Stinger's slightly longer case length, still allowing the bolt to close completely with every cycle.

For more, check out the Ammo forum at



New member
From the cover of my manual:
"Ruger Model 10/22 Carbine, Blued And Stainless Steel, Standard And Deluxe Sporter Model.
Page 7 & 8
The Ruger Model 10/22 Carbine is chambered for, and designed to properly funtion with, only the 22 caliber Long Rifle rimfire cartridge, standard, high velosity, or hyper velocity, manufactured to U.S. industry standards.

Do not use .22 short, 22 long, .22 shot, or .22 cartridges with blunt-nosed, sharp-shouldered, or "explosive" bullets. They will not function reliably and may jam the mechanism or discharge before being fully chambered. Use only ammunition that functions correctly in your rifle. "

Jamie Young

New member
They shoot pretty well out of mine except they aren't all that reliable. I picked up 150rds and it jammed on the very last one.


New member
Any of y'all remember those Hyper-Velocity Vipers? I think that's it, can't remember who makes'm, but it sounds Remington to me. 36gr, accurate as a 22 Hornet.

There's a 15 mile radius in upstate NY I grew up in, without a rabbit, squirrel, chipmunk, woodchuck, wren, or starling because of young boy and his 10/22 loaded with Vipers.:D


New member
I finally got up off my lazy hind end and dug my manual out of the rat's nest I call a reloading desk. Sure enough, the warning is for target rifles only. A little literacy goes along way I guess. So I'm off to wallyworld for a few boxes of Stingers. Still might shoot the next one with the SKS tho' just to show I'm not kidding. Man these polecats are thick out here.


New member
Maybe, I've just been lucky?,
but Stingers have always been among the most accurate ammo that I've tested in all of my .22's
(10/22, Marlin 39A, Ruger Mk-II and Bearcat).
Better than standard Target loads (Green Tag, T-22, etc.).
Haven't tried 'em up against "Gold Medal" or "Ely 10X", since I don't plan on goin' to the Olympics.



New member
Winchester 40 Gr PowerPoints are about all I use any more but Stingers did work just fine.

Those PowerPoints have done some nasty damage from time to time. I've seen ground squirrels torn in half or nearly torn in half with chest shots.


New member
I have a 10/22 with a midway heavy target barrel. I just fed 100 rounds of stingers through it last weekend, destroyed some frozen pumpkins :D

No problems at all.


New member
Those QuikShoks are awsome. They have been more accurate than any other of the hyper vel rounds in my .22s and shoot just fine in my 10/22's. They are the thing for kitty control. They just knovk the heck out of them.
I have tested the bullets too. I shot through a few pop cans full of water with a 2x12 board behind it. Every time the can was just exploded and there was three holes in the board behind it.

I have shot squrrels and cats with them and think they are the most effective 22lr round on small game out there.
The Power points and stingers are very good as well, but just didnt seem to have the fast knock down as the QuikShoks.



New member
The damage done by the Stingers was substantially greater than standard stuff too in my experience. I used to roam around my grandmother's farm shooting pretty much all the little vermin that dared move. The Stingers would just rip the heck outta stuff compared to like Winchester SuperX and Remington Yellow Jackets or whatever they were called... It was a 10/22 BTW... Ahh, bricks and bricks of .22 shot all day long, for weeks. What memories. Wish I could do that now...


Stingers are O.K. in 10/22.
Accuracy is somewhat below average,
which is absolutely normal for hyper velocity
ammo - target ammo is usually standard
velocity ammo, and there is a reason for it.