Still Searching for a Holster


New member
I've been searching the internet and local shops for a while now and I still haven't seen anything that seems like it will work really well. If anyone has any suggestions I would be deeply thankful.

I'm looking for something to carry a Beretta 92FS.

I am right handed.

Not sure if it matters, but the weapon will be carried with the safety off.

Must have capacity for one extra magazine.

It would be really good if it also fit a Taurus PT 92 and 101 (with rails).

It must be carried concealed somewhere above the waist on the torso (shoulder holster or something similar).

Needs to be able to be worn on the outside of my clothing as well.

There is no waist or belt on uniform to attach lanyards for stability.

Needs to be fully adjustable for comfort and functionality.

I am NOT worried about holster wear at all.

Needs to be something I can wear for 18+ hours in all of the following conditions:

-50 to 120 degrees F
The gun itself may get as cold as -50 degrees F so it needs to be something that won't get damaged or freeze to the gun when it gets holstered.

Rain, snow, sleet, fog, sand storms, harsh sunlight, etc
While I'm sweating like a pig
Extreme and quick climate change (very dry to very humid and very cold to hot and visa versa in seconds)

A standard shoulder holster may have to do, but I am still not sure what material may be best for the above conditions so any suggestions in that department will be welcomed as well. Thanks!


New member
You get what you pay for

Milt Sparks (my favorite)
Mitch Rosen
and a cast of thousands........


New member
Blackhawk SERPA CQC Holster
Blackhawk SERPA Shoulder Harness (with 2 accessory rails on off-side)
Blackhawk Mag Pouches (mount on accessory rails)

Mine is pretty stable, I often am unable to secure the elastice straps to a belt or other without issue, just tighten up the shoulder straps.

I carry my Glock 20SF (10mm) in this fashion.

I bought mine from

Mr Pink

New member
the above poster hit the nail on the head. they make a wide variety of holster systems, and all are top notch. in your case, they provide many options for your 92FS. i run a CQC SERPA LVL2, w/tactical thigh rig for my USPc. comfortable, secure, and reliable. =)
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New member
I was considering a blackhawk serpa holster after a friend showed me his.

I started researching them and came across this:

Why no Serpa holsters?
An answer from our friend Paul Gomez: Begin Quote “Over the last year, I have developed some serious concerns with the Blackhawk Serpa Active Retention holster design. Various persons have brought these concerns to the attention of Blackhawk on several occasions and Blackhawk has chosen to ignore these very real issues.

The ‘Serpa Active Retention’ design consists of a plastic L-shaped component which functions as the release button [from the outside of the holster] and as the lock [which engages inside the trigger guard]. The short leg of the L-shaped lever pivots inward [toward the pistol], while the locking tab pivots outward to release the pistol from the holster.

According to the Blackhawk website, ”The release is made using your normal drawing motion, with the trigger finger beside the holster body. … As your trigger finger naturally comes to rest on the SERPA lock’s release mechanism, simply push the mechanism as you draw the weapon and it releases the gun for a smooth, fast draw.”

While Blackhawk may intend for the end-user to apply inboard pressure with the flat of the index finger, under stress, shooters tend to push the button with the tip of their index finger. After all, this is the manner in which most people have the most repetitions pushing buttons such as keys on a keypad or phone or ringing doorbells. When the finger pushes in on the release button and the user initiates the upward motion of the draw stroke, the finger tends to stay in motion and as the trigger guard clears the holster, the finger enters the trigger guard and contacts the trigger, with possibly tragic results.

I am aware of two instances where trained personnel have shot themselves using this holster in conjunction with Glock pistols. In August of 2004, a situation occurred with a live weapon that resulted in the shooter losing a 10cm piece of her femur. The other occurred with nonlethal training ammunitions in a force-on-force event in April of 2005. The impact of the NLTA was in the same area as the actual gunshot wound previously mentioned.

Following each of these events, Blackhawk was contacted and advised of the problems observed and concerns raised. In the first instance, they claimed that they were unaware of any previous issues with the design and insisted that the design had been ‘thoroughly tested by law enforcement and military personnel’.

After the second event, they were contacted by at least two people. Again, they stated that they were unaware of any concerns and had heard nothing similar from any sources.” End Quote