Still can't decide on type of gun for HD-Rifle, handguns, or Shotguns?


New member
I know this topic has been beat to death but I'm still torn.

I have an AR 15, handguns, and shotguns.

Let's say I hear an intruder which gun do I use?

Handguns are easier to handle corners.

However, the AR has much more power.

I guess if the SHTF I want my AR. The shotguns are pumps and though more powerful are harder to get follow up shots.

I recently heard on Personal Defense that police stats show that police only hit the target 17% to 22% when they use their handgun on the job. Therefore, I want to make sure I have enough ammo capacity.

What concerns me is if the intruder is unarmed, a handgun should be sufficent.

However, what if the intruder is armed? Am I better off with a more powerfull gun, such as the AR or shotgun? Am I better off with a handgun which is easier to maneuver?

Opinions please?


New member
It is all about the range. While all 3 would also be in my collection, the handgun will most likely be the I'd reach for 1st inside the home. At indoor ranges any long gun could be a handicap, especially if you are caught off guard.

If I have lots of advance warning and could be in a bedroom waiting and prepared for an intruder an AR carbine or shotgun could come into play. I'd prefer the AR over the shotgun.


New member
All three weapons you have listed will do the job,and all three will have their pros and cons....Close quarters probably a shotgun or a handgun,or a better choice the shotgun and handgun. :)
An AR with light weight (55-64gr) non barrier blind projectiles will penetrate fewer intermediate walls than a handgun/00 buck. It is also more effective than a handgun.

Its between the AR and shotgun for me. But, I dont have anyone else in the home besides my wife and I. We would stay in the bedroom and wait for the police to get there. If I had a child that I had to retrieve, I'd take a pistol with me.