Sticky Grips

Amin Parker

New member
Hi all.

When using wrap around grips on semi or revolvers (the type that covers the front strap) where does the sticky residue come from?

During routine cleaning i always always always remove the grips, i am just always suprised how sticky and disgusting it gets under rubber grips.

I would love to know. Thanx all.
Clifford L. Hughes

Amin Parker:

I don't know where the stickey substance comes from on wrap around grips. I think that it's an intended by product of manufacturing. However, to control a pistol and to shoot it accurately requires an uniform, even grip for each shot. When I was shooting competition for the USMC Marine Corps, I used pine tar on both my rifle and my pistol grips. The wrap arounds, as I see it, are an advantage to you.

Semmper Fi.

Gunnery sergeant
Clifford L. Hughes
USMC Retired


New member
I think somehow there is a chemical reaction with the grips. Rubber can change , deteriorate with time .They can also change with contact with gun oils etc.

Charger Fan

New member
Barry Lee wrote;
The material is probably slowly breaking down or outgassing. Maybe?
I would suspect the same thing.
Two quick solutions would be to grab a handful of dirt before handling the gun, or wearing some thin gloves. The sweat/perspiration in your palm is likely causing a reaction with the rubber grips.
Power Lifter-body builder's often use "white chalk" on their hands (essentially baby powder) for much the same reason. Although white chalk would look unsightly at the range...:eek:

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I've used rosin to improve my grip.

Having once worked for a company that made rubber printing press rollers, I can tell you for a known fact rubber is weird, unstable stuff that's often adversely affected by everything from temperature and humidity to heat and jarring. Lots of shooter prefer rubber grips on the theory they reduce perceived recoil. In my experience, they're ugly, dimensionally unpredictable, and absorb nothing.