STI Trojan Pistol

Joe Blacke

New member
Anyone out there have and experience or an opinion on this pistol. I have heard some good things about it, but a well known 1911 smith I asked about it said that it was crap (he refused to say why though because he is an STI dealer).

I sent STI an email asking some questions about the pistol, but their reply was less than helpful (rude would be a correct description of their attitude).

I had always heard some good things about STI, but I don't want to drop $1,000 on something that I will have problems with.


New member
Joe, let me know what questions you asked and, if you have a name, who you talked to. Maybe even send me a copy of the email. They make a fine pistol (maybe not the Trojan though) and I know the owner and the design engineer there. They would be very interested in this info.

Joe Blacke

New member

I believe the name of the person who replied to my email was Kimberly. I unfortunately didn't save the email. It initally rubbed me so wrong that I kind of put STI behind Rock River Arms on my list (This was before RRR raised their prices).

I asked them some small questions regarding the sights, grips and such. Her reply was along the lines of "A Trojan is a Trojan is a Trojan. What you see is what you get." Didn't even adress the questions I asked.

I don't know what to believe about the Trojan. The example I looked at seemed to be a high quality piece of work. The smith that said it is crap, is also known for his high end pistols and maybe he didn't want to compete against a high quality pistol with 1/3-1/2 the price tag.


New member
Joe-no experience with the piece personally,but the customer service attitude you describe would have already sent me elsewhere permenantly...sort of like the old cowboy philosophy of "There's too many gentle horses in this world to fool with mean 'uns." RRA sounds like a fine choice to me...


New member
Good friend of mine who is a LEO went to the factory and bought one on the spot. Great shooting and reliable. Very thin profile. Everything you could want on a custom pistol, but at 2/3 or less the price. He had nothing but great things to say about the people there and the service. He just keeps smiling evertime I ask him how the pistol is working.


New member
Joe, I spoke with the owner of STI today. He is going back to your email and look into your questions himself. We feel that it is possible the remark you got back was from a girl that does not have much technical knowledge and really couldn't answer your questions. The owner was out of town until this week and there may not have been anyone to ask. Hopefully you will be receiving an answer soon.

Joe Blacke

New member
Hey Jeff, thanks for your help. I appreciate the fact that you looked into this with STI even though there was no compelling reason for you to do it.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard from STI as of yet. Even if I do, I don't think I'll be in the market for any of their products soon as I picked up a brand new 1911 today at our local gun show.