STI LS9 and LS40


Active member
I've finally decided to purchase an STI LS40. I found a pretty good deal on a good used one. I have been researching this pistol for some time now and am familiar with pro's/con's and some problems STI had with the LS40. Apparently the STI slide stops were not strong enough for the .40 cartridge and were prone to breaking, so STI made them so the slide wouldn't lock back on the last round. Some folks have replaced the STI slide stops with Les Baer slide stops and this seems to work.

My question is: What exactly are the differences between the LS9 and the LS40? It seems to me that the frames are identical, so I was wondering if i were to purchase LS9 slide/barrel/magazine, whether this would be a simple swap? Then I can have the best of both worlds in one really compact 1911-style gun!