Steyr M9 ?????


New member
I was looking at them in the CDNN catalog.

Has the parts issue for them been resolved?

I am looking for a range/HD handgun, should I just buy a Glock 17 like I had planned or is the M9 "What a Glock Should Be"

Comments or suggestions?


New member
Not sure about parts issue but you can find out at ... if you ever want to shoot this gun, head over to the NRA range on Wednesday the 27th (or any Wednesday after) and I'll let you shoot mine. ;)


New member
what parts issue?
i emailed steyr directly and was getting replacement parts. or i'd contact the canadian distributor.

m9 is a good gun. but now i'm happy with my sig 229.


New member
what parts issue?

Have you emailed them recently? I am not totally "in-the-know" about the parts issue (my M9 has a lifetime warranty but not through Steyr) but apparently, Steyr's US repair facility has severed ties with them. Again, this is just what I've gathered from