Steyr M9/A1


New member
Anyone have any experience or advice on them? Was looking into buying one and research has so far turned up positive reviews.


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It's a great pistol. The design is great and the build quality is solid. Better trigger and ergonomics than the Glock. The trap sights are meant to be a best of both world solution but don't quite deliver in that regard imo (although they are unique and fun to have something different).

A little heavier & lower capacity than other pistols in it's class but all guns have pros and cons and this is a pistol worth owning imo.

Also, check out the Caracal, which is a brainchild from the same designer.


New member
I've owned the original M9 and currently have the M9-A1. Both were reliable and quite accurate. I think the accuracy is related to the trap sights which I find easy to use and align in a consistent fashion.


New member
Was looking into buying one and research has so far turned up positive reviews.
I don't think you'll find many negative reviews on the M9-A1, or as previously mentioned, Wilhelm Bubits' latest gun, the Caracal.
I've had opportunity to shoot both and both are on my top 5 next guns to buy list. Love the low bore center on both guns, the trap sights on the M9 and the trigger on the Caracal.

Perhaps plouffedaddy will pop in and comment... I'm pretty sure he owns both guns.



New member
Steyr M9-A1 is my number one top choice when recommending a weapon for a person new to shooting, who wants a semi automatic.


New member
Perhaps plouffedaddy will pop in and comment... I'm pretty sure he owns both guns.

Well here I am :D And, yes I do.

Steyr M9-A1 is my number one top choice when recommending a weapon for a person new to shooting, who wants a semi automatic.

I feel the same way about the Caracal C. In fact, last night my neighbors (2 women in their 20s) came and asked me about guns since their cars just got broken into recently. I showed them a bunch, they liked my RIA 1911 (9mm), the Caracal C and the M&P9. I told them to get the Caracal C. :eek: For the money, I really don't think it can be beat. Even for more money, I'm not sure it can be beat. (They placed an order from Centerfire for a Caracal btw...)

Back on topic---the Steyr is a great gun. It has most of the same pros and cons of the Caracal. It's reliable, super ergonomic, has a low bore axis, and it has a great trigger. But, it also has questionable sights and little aftermarket support.


New member
Just had to point out you have young attractive women coming over to get firearms advice from you, didn't you? We should all be so lucky.

I have handled the m9 Steyr in the gun shop. I never got to fire it though. I liked the odd sight, but I'm not sure how I would shoot with it.


New member
DLiller said:
I liked the odd sight, but I'm not sure how I would shoot with it.
Personally, I like them and will make sure I have the trap sights when I buy the gun. I found it very easy to align and make fairly precise shots.
Saying that, there are lots of folks who, after giving it their best shot (pun intended), decided to retrofit conventional sights.
I don't think the trap sights have an inherent flaw in design... but I do think that there are many who just simply can't use them as well as post sights, or they have several guns with post sights, and switching back and forth hurts their heads.
It's like folks who like ghost ring sights on pistols... I've installed a few sets for people and I kinda liked them... but not enough to want them on my own guns.

All I can say is to run a box or two thru a gun... and decide for yourself.



New member
I like the steyr m9 I just feel like they are not as well known and thus you could possibly have a hard time finding parts, accessories and such.


New member
Just had to point out you have young attractive women coming over to get firearms advice from you, didn't you? We should all be so lucky.

I didn't say they're attractive (one is, one is fat). Here's the attractive one shooting one of my AKs... :D



New member
I made a holster for a customer for his Steyr M9-A1 a couple weeks ago. Never handled one before then. I really liked the ergonomics. It fit my hand perfectly.

I love my Glocks and H&K's but if I find a decent deal on one I will buy it.


**customer supplied pic**