Steyr M40 - Good Buy?


New member
I have seen a Steyr M40 today at a dealer. It is pre-owned but looks absolutely nib.
The price he quoted me after some talk was $400 plus tax.

How is the price and what are your experiences with the gun?

At which serial no. did they change the trigger?

Thanks in advance for your help!


New member

do a search of this forum and you'll find a plethora of information.

also check CDNN 1-800-588-9500. They have some of the best prices.


New member
According to this months issue of American Rifleman (Sept. 2001), on page 14, they say that Styer is toast!!!:eek: I would stay away from it.


New member
Steyr is too big to go under, in my opinion. Production could be interrupted for a while but it would not be the end. I believe that they also make other products than guns. They used to build automobiles even.


New member
When you get your copy (I assume you belong to the NRA) read it yourself. The bank that owns Styer has sold the land out from under them to BMW!!! That spells TOAST to me!!!! ;)

Wild Romanian

The Styer is an intriguing pistol and I have been temped to get one myself. But I have read where they have had problems with the fuctioning of the piece. I would ask if you can shoot the gun first and if they refuse I would pass on this one.

Also Styer is out of buisness and parts availability will probably be non-existant. It may be serveral years, if ever, before they get back into production again. W.R.


New member
Thanks for your help, guys.

I remember having heard about problems with the Steyrs, too.

I can wait the development out.
Anyway, there is the H&K Tactical (P12) heavenly... eh...heavily on my mind....


New member
I'm pretty sure that Steyr isn't going out of business. They make too many successful products to just go under like that. They make the AUG, several bolt action sniper rifles, and I believe they still make automobiles. And even if the land they use was sold to BMW (which I highly doubt because I haven't heard of it anywhere but here) then BMW wouldn't get rid of the company, Steyr would just continue functioning under BMW management. So overall, if you think it's a good buy, go for it, and don't worry about Steyr going out of business.


New member
According to this months issue of American Rifleman (Sept. 2001), on page 14, they say that Styer is toast!!!
From what I know of the magazine business, that "September 2001" article was probably written in June or July, so I don't put much stock in what I read in magszines as far as being "current" iinformation.

If you go to Steyr's site and check the news section (and can read German...because the English page has not been updated) you'll see that they are going to be fine.


New member
I bet they even got the bank's name wrong. Creditensalt Bank surely is Kreditanstalt; credit institution.