Steyr GB Opinions Needed


New member
For some reason I've been looking at this Steyr GB at my local Gun Shop the last few days. I am a true Colt 1911 fan and love the platform in any make for that matter. Whats bugging me is this Styer felt really good in my hand and I beginning to feel sorry for the thing since it's been sitting there for quite some time and there aren't any Colt's in the shop right now.

I've read up on it through the wonderful World Wide Web and by all accounts, the true Steyrs' seem to be very well made and highly recommended. The one I'm looking at is in near Mint condition and even has an extra mag and the original box. WOOHOO!

What I'm asking from you guys/girls is thoughts from those of you that have actually had or still have one.



New member
How much? Obviously a fine gun but if they think it is a "kollekters item" and price it as such, I might carefully consider being drawn away from my first choice. Unless you are a collector. Who knows out in the boonies it might be a bargain.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Well, I consider it a collectors item. They are uncommon, and didn't work too awfully well (though much better than the POS copy, the Rogak). They are also BIG and to my hand, awkward. IMHO, that is a very good price for a GB as described, and I suggest buying it if only for investment.

The action is described as gas-delayed blowback. Gas is vented from two holes just ahead of the chamber and directed forward to impact on the front inside of the slide. The idea (a fad at the time) was to avoid a moving barrel, the same reason the HK P7 series was developed. Timing in the Steyr is tricky and depends on a fairly narrow range of ammo specs. If the cartridge is a bit hotter than spec, the slide can open too soon, tearing off case heads. If too late, there are problems with extraction and ejection.



New member

I bought mine back in the 80's not long after the GB came out. A very accurate pistol.


I think I paid $485 new for mine.


New member
I have one and really love it, but I wanted one way back when they 1st came out, also am kinda an oddball as I love healers(HK P9s, P7, Browning BDA, ect) and it went well with my AUG :) (and I didnt consider a Glock, even though I have one....someplace)

there a blue and parked version, also there was a muzzle comp for them, which I suspect aint cheap.

very accurate, hi-cap, poly fixed barrel, mine has had not one hicup with any ammo, think I have 1000rds thru it.

mags if you can find them are really spendy, $100+

it was one of those guns that I wanted but didnt search for, walked into a local gun shop and I about fell over....there is was in the box, all the stuff with 4 mags and as new, took that and 2 S&W wheelguns, all came from the same owner(who sold them to the shop)



New member
Its a fine pistol that is very well made. My only (minor) complaints about it would be that the trigger guard seems a little flimsy and the outside of the barrel gets filthy after about 30 rounds or so. That barrel is a PITA t clean all the gunk off the outside of it but I'm just a little anal about what a "clean" gun is I suppose. VERY accurate. Also, the recoil is mild due to how it operates and its size/mass. The 18+1 capacity is also a plus and 9mm ammo is relatively cheap.

At that price I would definately pick it up. I paid $500 for mine (without knowing what it was, I just liked it) and only got the gun, one mag, and the manual. There is a set-up similar to what your looking at on gunbroker for $1150, but gunbroker tends to get a little crazy when comes to the GB.

Oh, and take care of your magazines! This one is actually slightly reasonable (slightly).


New member
Thanks for the input guys. I did see those GB prices whilst searching for info about the gun. Although they aren't selling at that price, yet, it does make me feel better about the price locally.

Jim, I know what you mean by it being a BIG gun, but I, for better or worse have large mitts so it fits me nicely. I think it will make for a nice collector piece and an occasional shooter. Having the original box and extra mag also makes it a little better as far as a collector item.

I'm not going to shoot it a lot, but it will need to be tested out for sure, so for those of you that shoot them, are you using a special brand of ammo or is like Winchester white box sufficient?

Thanks again!


New member
mine shoots anything I load it with, HSM reloads, WWB, Federal HP, ect

price for the gun in very good shape(most were not shot much) would be $550-650, i passed on a parked version at the last show for $550, $500 would have takin it I am sure.

cleaning is not biggy for me, just toss it in the ultra sonic :D

Uncle Malice

New member
I dunno... I've never been particularly partial to Steyr. I think mostly because I find them extremely ugly.. but the GB was also the first pistol of those submitted to be rejected by the XM trials in the 80's by the military due to lack of reliability.

All but the Steyr Model GB passed the reliability test, at which point the Model GB was withdrawn from further competition.


New member
I dunno... I've never been particularly partial to Steyr. I think mostly because I find them extremely ugly.. but the GB was also the first pistol of those submitted to be rejected by the XM trials in the 80's by the military due to lack of reliability.

Hmm, I didn't know they were first to fail. I bet that makes them even more collectable. :) I think a lot of pistols failed those trials, and a lot of them are pretty decent firearms.

Also, while I respect your opinions, this post was aimed at getting opinions from persons who either have or had a Steyr GB, which from the tone of your reply seems to be not the case.


New member
I love my Steyr GB. It shoots any ammo I put into it - it has never jammed on me. Very, very accurate. The only negative I can think of is that the double action trigger pull is somewhat heavy.


New member
I love my GB too, and man is it accurate and a joy to shoot! +1 the above about magazines being crazy expensive -- if you can even find one. Given the lack of parts available, I'd take my $600 bucks and go by a CZ-75B with a few extra mags in the deal. :cool: