Steyr dilemma!!!


New member
I have the opportunity to buy a new in box Steyr M40 with three mags for $399. All of the Steyr fans in this forum already know about the situation with Steyr and not currently having a distributor here in the US. However, I spoke to DSArms today and the rep that I spoke with said that they will more than likely be the new distributor for the Steyr line of pistols, but that it probably will not happen until the end of the summer. I already own a Steyr M9 and it IS a fantastic pistol! I can really here that M40 calling me right now, but what if there is a problem? If there is, I may have just bought a very expensive paperweight?!?! I need advice from my fellow TFL members! I'm "shot out"! Console me!!!



New member
well, at least it will be a nice looking paperweight for only a few months, right? at that price, definitely pick it up. i would anyways if i had the cash to spare.

whats your other options? if not the steyr, what else is on the market for you?

i recently decided i'll try to fill out all the steyr pistols, the m357, and s9 and s40. by the time i can afford all of them their L45 should be released.


New member
GO FOR IT!!!!!! What a gun and one heck of a good price. They got anymore? I don't have a 9mm yet. Seriously if it's close to michigan, anyway.


New member
I love my M40, and its well built enough that unless someone did some home gunsmithing on it with their dremmel I doubt it will break down between now and the end of the summer. Even if something does break, its not like it'll be your only gun ... it may just be out of commission for a little while but the price is pretty good and once Steyr gets their distributorship all sorted out here in the States you'll be back in business.


New member
I called DSArms in May and the guy on the phone said that negotiations with Steyr were going slowly. He didn't expect to start importing Steyrs until "next year at the earliest." He said they would NOT be providing service, that would be done by "Steyr-USA" or Dynamit Nobel or someone. Dynamit Nobel ( imports and services the Steyr rifles. I called Dynamit Nobel and they said they don't know when they'll start servicing Steyr pistols, if ever.

In spite of this, I bought an M9 last week from CDNN. CDNN has less than 200 M9s, and they're selling 10-20 a day, so they should be gone soon. They are out of M9 mags, and you only get one mag per pistol. I'm glad I managed to find 3 M9 mags on eBay a few weeks ago. They still have a few M40 mags left, for $24.95 each, so get them while you can. CDNN made a mistake and sent me the wrong gun last week, I hope my M9 is finally at my local FFL today.