Steve's Pages are gone


New member
I will miss the info on his site. Its too bad some people don't respect a persons property and try to steal it. I used his pages a lot when working up loading data. I will miss them:( I tried a while ago to join his forum but it is blocked also.

Did anyone here use his site? If so send him and email

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New member
Yes!!! It is a shame he took it down.

What he also fails to realize is that he was also "the greedy, miserable, selfish, unthinking, and useless bassturd" who stole all that information from copyrited sources himself.

As Terry Bradshaw would say, "Now thats funnaye."


New member
Steve has some great pages and not all of them have been pulled. I"m curious what all the uproar is all about. Can someone interpret what his concern was. Did his computer/system get hacked or damaged ?


New member
Going back many years, Steve showed a volitile attitude and got himelf banned from most reloading forums. He would sign in with another alias and go on quite a while and become volitile and got banned again.

His web site is - - - - was very good. He coalated a lot of information from a lot of different sources into a very easy to navigate site.

He has been screaming for about a year that people have been downloading "his" material. Apparently someone got busy and downloaded everything in the site, if he is to be believed. I guess that was the final act that casue the problem.


New member
most of his reloading data came from other sources and a lot I seen was directly out of Cartridges of the world. So to be ****** off that some one downloaded is ignorant. I am sure if someone wanted to they could have got him for plagiarism because the sources he used he did not note anywhere that I seen.


New member
Recipes are not copyrightable. Reloading data, with no directions written out in prose, are about the purest form of a recipe and considered to be scientific formulae.

The web page layout probably is intellectual property (I say "probably" because I'm not an expert on such things.) The load data is not.

Take a look at the load data that comes with a set of Lee dies sometime. Every bit of it is copied from other sources.
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To a lesser degree arent we guilty here as well when we pull load data from published sources and post it here for other members ???? I have done it so will ask for all of your forgiveness at this time and promise not to post any more load data unless it is a S.W.A.G. on my part . :rolleyes:


New member
zxcvbob, Yes but I will have too look around at it some more. Thanks. What i miss is all the collation he did. It helps when running a Ballistic program like PointBlank.


New member
Did you click the "I FULLY ACCEPT THESE CONDITIONS" link right above Steve's smiling face? That takes you to the data.


New member
I found Steve's pages to be helpful in validating other sources of information on reloading.

Often though, I found the spreads in his reloading data to be far wider than the normal reloading books.

It was nice to have a second source of reloading data.

I hope he keeps it up, brings it back.

I went in there today looking for reloading information.


New member
I don't care How or Why

It is a freaking shame that his database is unavailable.
We are now in the Twilight Zone... and will remain there until the administration changes.:eek:

Chuck Dye

New member
A couple of attempts to access the site yesterday led to security diversions I did not override. A Google search still returns warnings, leads to diversions. Wonder if there might be nasties in the background...


New member
i clicked the link from Puteral, and it said "the site you have requested contains malware, you will be redirected to previous site."

so, i'm good. my cpu is slow enough