Steel Case/Core Ammo

Uncle Buck

New member
I have my own shooting range, the pistol range is used more than the rifle range.

I have several targets that when you shoot them, they move and reset, so you know they have been hit and are ready again to be fired at. I buy another one almost every month to add to the range.

A (now former) friend wanted to shoot some of his military type guns on the range. He knows the rules, he has used it before with no problems.

I do not know what type of ammo he was using, I suspect it was a steel core type. He hit every target on the range (Spray and pray) and with the exception of one very heavy duty swinging target, shot them to pieces. Mostly by shooting through the legs holding them up. When we had shot before, he was told he had to use the back stop when he shot.

Needless to say, I was very angry and told him I did not want him shooting here again. His juvenile antics and the fact he did not clean up after himself just added to my frustration.

Thanks for letting me vent.


New member
Your Range

Your range, your rules. I don't see a problem with that. Also, too many shooters are inconsiderate of others property or what they may think of as public property whether it is or not. Sounds like your "friend" is one of that type.They can get expensive really quick. I would try to be a little more careful about my choice of friends. I too have been guilty of being a range slob, but I try to clean up after myself plus some. I have a magnet and bucket that I sometimes use to pick up steel cases few others seem to pick up. I am trying to get better, but I do sometimes forget to pull a target. I don't tear up the facilities like I see some have.

I have a friend who loves to spray and pray with his AK47. I try to not take him to the range I am a member of but sometimes do. My range is just a gravel pit with some benches, backstops, and berms, no range master. It is only $35/year and all I have got easy access to, so I appreciate it.