Status of Used Revolver Sales - 2015 version


New member
Where have you guys seen the market in your area go? Up, down or same? Has there been a significant move either way in that past year or so?

I ask because it appears the price of S&W and Ruger wheelguns has risen significantly. Being in Utah, I've wondered if that was due to increased FFL sales to CA with the restrictions or maybe just more folks wanting a peice of their youth back.

FWIW I don't know about Taurus, Rossi or other as I don't track their prices.


New member
My limited experience consist of a nearby auction of two months ago. It was an estate auction of an individual who died three years ago and was court ordered.

There were approximately 150 firearms (approximately 25% revolvers) along with a nice home, vehicles and related possessions. The prices on a vast majority of the firearms were at least 20% higher than I was willing to bid. A vast majority of the firearms were major brand names. I gathered two pieces of low hanging fruit simply because they were unknowns to the bidders. One was an S&W Pre-Victory with South Africa and British markings in somewhat less than desirable condition.

Overall used firearm prices seemed to be higher in this area from various firearms dealers. It is also picking up for long guns since hunting season is around the corner.
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New member
Don't know about any fluctuations, but I have recently noticed that the ratio of semi-autos to revolvers is about 5 or 6 to 1 on Armslist.

Revolvers for sale appear to hang suspended in space.

The last semi-auto I sold, I listed it about 9-10AM and it was sold 2:30 that afternoon.

old bear

New member
Ruger makes great firearms, but I'm a died in the wool Smith and Wesson guy. So I can't comment on Ruger pricing. Over the last three or so years any vintage S&W N frame prices have risen 50 - 100%. With the exception of the M -28 Highway Patrolman, which did not take off until two or so years. Now a really nice P&R M-28 is getting close to it's up-town brother the M-27.

In the last year K frame prices have sky-rocketed, nice 4" M-19/66's could be found for $450.00 - $500.00, today those prices have risen by 25 - 50% if not more. Very good but plain Jane M-64's were dirt cheap a years ago. Today plan on spending $450.00 up for a nice 3" M-64, and a like condition M-13 3" can go for $600.00 up.

Collecting quality classic, PRODUCTION, firearms is no longer something "Joe Everyguy" can afford.


Member in memoriam
In Indiana,dealers tell me new,female ,shooters buy revolvers due to simplicity of use.Also saying LCR's sell well.


New member
In the Twin Cities metro area of Minnesota, reasonably priced quality revolvers are virtually nonexistent. Most look like they've been kicked down a gravel road and nice examples are priced unreasonably high.


New member
I was just surfing gun broker last night for a Ruger Security or Speed Six.

I was a little surprised to see that they're 25-50% higher than when I last checked several months ago. I saw a twin of my beloved little SP101 .327 Mag going for over $800.

Craziness. What would be driving this?


New member
I live in Southern Indiana, on the KY boarder.

I'm seeing the S&W Airweights as very plentiful, and running around $300-$375 used private sales, and up to $400 in an LGS.

The blue moon hit, because I found 3 S&W 640-1s, the only 357 J frames I have seen in forever (and yes, one of them is now mine). Word is they were a bunch of police trade ins. They were all around $550-$575 retail. I don't see many of the Scandium J's around.

S&W K frames don't crop up often, and will typically be $450-$600 depending on condition, barrel length, and model.

I barely see any of the bigger S&W's, they don't stick around long when they are put up for sale.

Ruger Six models tend to go between $450-$500

Used Ruger SP101s typically ask $500-$550

Used Ruger GP100s typically ask $550-$600

These are all best I can remember from seeing them around either online or in stores.

Used Taurus and Charter revolvers are typically selling for around $275-$300, depending on model and caliber.

Used Rossi revolvers typically ask $250-$275, and don't sell very well.


Hard to say as a collector. I buy what I want or find at the time. In my collection I have 70 % more pistols than revolvers in my collection of over 100 firearms. There has always been as there has always been more pistols available. From the 1900's to now.. I see no change.


New member
I see about the same number of used Smiths and Rugers when looking . . .

The price of the Smiths has seemed to go up some but I have found several in he past year or so that were very reasonably priced - vintage Smiths

I keep track of several listings from a couple of LGS - the Rugers - Vaqueros, BH, RHs seem to come and go. I'm going to take a look at a 45 Colt Ruger NV next week that is supposed to be like new - it's priced at around $450 so we'll see . . .

I don't look at the Ruger SPs, etc. as I'd rather shoot a Smith . . . but I don't dislike Rugers - good guns and I have a few that have never had issues

Let's face it . . . the price of used is bound to go up some just like a gallon of mile, a pound of nails, etc.


New member
I shop at one store. It's a large one and has a good turnover of really good revolvers. They don't do junk. The prices are what I would call "high retail" but not out of line. If an item sits for a while, they'll dicker a bit. If it sits a while longer, they'll drop the tagged price too.

Overall prices always go up. An individual item might drop, but the trend is always up.

Demand? If you see something really nice, and you really want it, you better get it or it won't be there the next time you come back. It probably won't be there when you get back from the men's room.


New member
Clyde's Armory, here in Athens, has police trade in revolvers from time to time. They had a shoebox full of S&W 342s traded in from the GBI the last time I was in. Mechanically, they are great but the finish is rough. I picked up one for $350+tax. A couple of years ago, I bought a S&W 60-7 police trade in with a nice finish for $300+tax at Clyde's. Franklin's also has some decent deals from time to time on used revolvers but they don't get the police trade in guns like Clyde's.

Jeff #111

New member
Where I shop long barreled models (6" and up) tend to be more plentiful than shorter barreled models. Price trend is always up. I like long barreled 38 Special revolvers so I have no complaint. In other LGS's in my area revolvers are harder to find. Autos have taken over in my corner of Idaho. I actually find it easier to find new revolvers in Cabelas and Sportsmans Warehouse then used models, but I'm still doing okay.


New member
I just bought a brand new-in-box 6" S&W 686 (6-shot) from an LGS for $709.00, which is within $30 of the Bud's Gun Shop online price, and the lowest price I could find from an LGS with the gun in stock. Nothing against Bud's, but l'd rather support a local small business. I think that a 4" to 6" 686 is a "Revolver You Must Own" and if you can't find one in stock forget about ordering one, there is an allocation for most S&W revolvers with the small volume local gun stores that don't have them, my guy moves a lot of these and he actually had 4 of the 6" guns. Used guns are nowhere to be found, you really have to be either insane or in dire economic straits to sell off a decent 686, and this new 686 shoots beautifully and I'm very glad I bought this when I did!

Grant D

New member
My LGS used to carry quite a few used revolvers, now it seems the gun cases are full of semi's, and only on occasion a revolver.
They usually call me if they get a used S&W or Colt DA revolver in.

Jeff #111

New member
My LGS used to carry quite a few used revolvers, now it seems the gun cases are full of semi's, and only on occasion a revolver.
They usually call me if they get a used S&W or Colt DA revolver in.

Similar to my situation. I just don't want to buy any new revolvers. I like the old ones.


New member
...I just don't want to buy any new revolvers. I like the old ones.

I hear 'ya, I always admire the vintage revolvers every time I go to visit Cabela's Gun Library, but I just want a shooter, I'm not going to pay $200 over the price of a new 686 to get a nice pre-lock 686, that just ain't happening, my new 686 serves its intended purpose just fine.