Statement, Do You Agree?

roy reali

New member
I once heard someone utter these words. Too much rifle shooting can negatively effect your shotgunning, but too much shotgunning won't negatively effect your rifle shooting. What do you all think of this statement? Any truth to it?


New member
mmmmmm... maybe

I shoot animals with feathers. I shoot rifle very little. I could see this as a possibility.

It's really 2 very different activities. Kinda like pitching baseball versus playing ping pong.

Scatterguns are more a reflex action as opposed to rifle that requires patience.

Rifle hunting you remain very still and very quiet and very bored for a very long time.
You take very close aim in a very careful and precise manner possibly even using a rest before you take the shot.

Shotgun hunting (at least at birds) you are on the move even shooting on the move and rarely in the most comfortable position and don't have to be so precise.

I don't know.... on 2nd thought I think the 2 activities differ so greatly that neither would greatly impact the other.


New member
I can see that shotgunning would help a rifle shooter on running game. But all that means is the hunter missed on the first shot and is doing a hail mary on the follow up shot---shots.


New member
I usually hit 40 out of 50 clays when I shoot sporting clays. For whatever reason, if I spend a lot of time with my rifles and handguns, then shoot clays, my scores go down. A LOT! Earlier this summer, I was shooting my rifles/handguns exclusively for about 2 months then hit the clays course. I only managed to hit 30 out of 50.


Staff In Memoriam
I don't know if their is any truth either way... I know I am not a confident shooter at running deer nor am I good enuff on them little grey rockets we call doves to go wasting ammo as I rate my hunt success as shell cost versus meat yield... If I were a better wing shooter, I bet I would also feel more confident sending a bullet chasing after a running deer.


New member
If you are talking sporting clays, I think it can impact both ways. Even so, nothing a box of ammo won't fix either way.


New member
I'm not sure that one negatively impacts the other.

I think this may have come about because of our schedules. We usually only have X amount of time for shooting related activities, and rarely is that X large enough for you to both do shotgun and rifle/pistol. So shooting one type means you aren't practicing the other, and skills DO atrophy.

Let's say you have 3 hours per week that you can spend shooting. By the time you go to the range and shoot, you have to pick one or the other. If you're like most people, you get on streaks- a couple months will be shotgun, a couple will be rifle/pistol. So when you get back to the shotgun, you've lost a few birds because you weren't practicing.

I've been doing a lot of shotgun this year, and I've been getting decent. However, that also means I haven't shot rifle/pistol much at all, so the next time I manage to get to the range I expect I'm going to have quite the time getting myself dialed back in.


New member
I think too much of either can negatively impact the other. Shooting a rifle or pistol accurately uses precisely aimed, stationary gun and fine, deliberate trigger control with a surprise break. Shooting a shotgun is pointing with gun moving and quick trigger control at precisely the right instant. For sure, shooting a shotgun destroys my trigger control for shooting a pistol accurately. When shooting both pistol and shotgun in the same range outing, I always shoot the pistol first.


New member
The only association I can think of, off the top of my head, comes from my experience introducing new shooters to skeet. Folks who've never shot before seem to do better that trained riflemen. The non-rifleman has no experience trying to hold the sights rock steady on target and finds swinging the shotgun very natural. You put a shotgun in a rifleman's hands and he's gonna want to draw it in tight to a typical offhand stance.

On the up side, most riflemen take less than a dozen whacks up the side of the head before they start to relax their stance. ;)


New member
I would say that to a certain degree, it could for the dynamics are different. The key phrase here, is: Too Much !!
We are not fully aware of how the brain automatically adjusts or programs itself to the task at hand. For me, it's not a problem for I don't shoot either to any great extent. One examble I can thinkk of is my slug gun. It's a shotgun but I have to discipline myself to shoot it like a rifle. To help me make the transition, I have two trigger groups, one I call my rifle group and the other my shotgun group. Most of the time I just keep it in the rifle mode.

Be Safe !!!


New member
dont know if this has anything to do with it but when i shoot my shotguns i always keep both eyes open when aiming but obviously when shooting a rifle you close one eye for the scope...
thats the only thing i think of when going from one to the other...:rolleyes: