State Police Unfamiliar with ATF Forms

Double J

New member
Illinois State Police HQ and local County Sheriff both say the same thing: They have never heard of an ATF Form 3310.4 "Report of Multiple Sale or Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers."
There are three copies: Copy 1 goes to National Tracing Center
Copy 2 goes to State or Local LE Agency
Copy 3 Licensee
Illinois State Police says they have never had anyone send them a copy before and the did not want one either. Said the recorded phone call of me calling them for info was enough in case anyone asks. Sounds good to me.


New member
Some agencies simply don't want another piece of paper to file. Things get messy. Since I'm not a FFL, I am not familiar with the actual form although I know that a form is completed for multiple handgun purchases during a calendar week by the FFL dealer and submitted.


New member
Send it certified mail with the optional delivery receipt. Keep a copy of the form, staple the delivery receipt to it, stash it in your files for CYA purposes, and forget about it.

Trying to walk these forms through is a waste of time. Police agencies have an extensive bureaucracy, but it's made to convict crooks, not to process ATF forms. If you start asking questions, you will get lots of blank stares, leading to phone calls passing you off from clerk to clerk, each of whom doesn't have any idea *** this form is, but maybe So-and-So will know what to do with it, call them, leave voicemail, repeat ad infinitum... :rolleyes:


New member
I believe the form is required to be filled out by the FFL. it isn't up to the buyer to do anything. who all of the copies go is the FFL's problem also

Double J

New member
I would have thought, since these forms came out in 2003, that someone in the state would have purchased more than one handgun at a time by now.
Gun sales must really be low in Illinois when the LE agencies have never heard they are supposed to keep a record of the form. But I'm keeping my copy just the same.