State Legislators Responding to the People


New member
Since January, Oregon has proposed twelve House and Senate bills relating to firearms. I've sent 117 emails to Oregon state legislators. Only five responses were received. They have no interest in what the people say.

I recently received this:

Your message To: Rep Williamson
Subject: Senate Bills 347, 699, 700 and 796
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 7:19:59 PM was deleted without being read on Wednesday, April 10, 2013 4:19:24 AM

Oregon State Representative Jennifer Williamson states on her website: "It is an honor to serve the people of Oregon and I recognize that your voices are an important part of the legislative process. Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome and my office would love to hear from you."

Political hypocrisy.

Willie Sutton

At least they were there at 4:19 in the morning... probably an intern was asked to delete that pesky inbox.

Personally, I would call the office and complain, print that, and send it by registered mail to the office responsible demanding an answer, and send a copy of that along with a letter to the editor of every newspaper in the state.



Nick S.

New member
They're all the same.

I've emailed Chuck Schumer many times asking a simple yes or no question about gun registration and keep getting the same BS stock response. Nobody even reads the letters we send. And to make it worse, he always claims to support the 2nd Amendment. He's the kind of guy who'll spit on your doughnut and call it glazed.

Glockstar .40

New member
i too have seen very few responses. was surprised to get a personal email from Sen Wyden. but unfortunatly he sees it obamas way:mad: same as merkely


New member
Call me cynical, but sadly, I feel the media (at least mainstream media) doesn't care. They're rabidly anti gun (with an exception to Fox) and in my opinion are in the pockets of a lot of the gun grabbers (or is it the other way around?)

Regardless, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. I've lost count how many times I've messaged McCain to oppose any new legislation but even that seems to be falling on semi deaf ears. I'll keep trying as well, but unless you're a major contributer to their campaigns, it sure sometimes feels like it's a losing battle.


New member
My understanding is that congressmen and senators give the most weight to communications received by US mail first, phone calls second, and email/petitions a verrrrrrrrrry distant third.