State Farm Insurance hates gun owners!!!!!


New member
I recently paid for a renters' policy for my new apartment. I was told to list everything I considered valuable. My gun value was around 10K. I was told that State Farm would only cover 2500 worth of guns in the policy, no matter how large. without the guns, my policy size was cut in half. No problem, I would insure them elsewhere....
State Farm sent me a cancellation letter saying that I did not have enough coverage. I was told that I would have to increase the policy size to cover the total amount of the guns, even though State Farm would only pay up to 2500. They wanted me to pay for coverage I would not get!!!
The thug who sent me this letter is Ron Payne, an Underwriting Operations Superintendent. WHAT A JERK!!!!By the way, they knew I was insuring my guns elsewhere. BOYCOTT STATE FARM!!!!!!

I don't CARE about pretty....I just want dangerous.


Unfortunately you will find the same with most "standard" insurance companies. The bright side is the same applies to jewlery, furs, etc. You might try Collectibles Insurance Agency [(888)837-9537, for the gun insurance only. I don't "know" them and have never used them. They are just a company listed in Gun List.


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000


Retired Screen Name
I've got SF and my collection is small now but growing veeerrry slowly. Anything else besides the Collectibles Insurance Agency (C.I.?) insuring our arms? Is that NRA policy any good?
Guess I will have to pull guard duty again. Neighbors below me will be knida upset when I begin my foxhole with selected fields o' fire. Overhead cover, grenade traps, ... maybe the neighbors will have to help sandbag.
Let us know what you decide Nyterunner.


New member
First, I'm gonna make life REEEEEL difficult for all those poor SOBs. LOTS OF VEHICLE ACCIDENT SELF REPORTS!!!! LET THE INSURANCE AGENTS DO THE WORK!!!! Follow departmental policy TO THE LETTER!!!! NO MORE MR. NYCEGUY!!!

I don't CARE about pretty....I just want dangerous.


New member
I have carried a policy with Collectables for the past few years. Nice folks, runs me about $110 for $28k of coverage.

This is on top of my homeowners insurance, the 1k that the NRA gives me just covers grips... :)



New member
I wanted to insure my firearms with State Farm, also. They were going to require a list, photos, and serial numbers, also for the limited coverage. Still shopping around for options.

I don't know where you are, but check to see if Erie Insurance writes in your state. If they do, I think you will be VERY happy with them. I've had Erie for years, and could not be happier.

I know that they write firearms policies, but I don't know the specifics.

Danger Dave

New member
Hmm, all my insurance is with State Farm. I recently got homeowner's insurance with them, all they asked was, "Do you have any guns? What do you estimate their value?" When I told them the value, they said that they would only cover $2500 as part of the homeowner's policy, but I could get a separate rider for them, no problem. They had similar limits on home office furniture, computers, etc., so I don't think it's a corporate anti-gun policy.

Methinks you just ran into a bad agent, or perhaps the rules are different for apartments. Insurance is all about statistics, so I doubt there's any anti sentiment behind it.


New member
My home owners policy covers me for $2500 for loss due to theft and 100% for fire. My agent told me to give him a list of what I want more coverage on. I forget what the rate is but it`s reasonable. I had a claim for damage from ice this winter and they paid me promptly and fairly.


New member
I have renter's insurance with Nationwide but they only have a $500 policy on guns. Anything beyond that, they want to see pictures, etc.

So I went with the NRA for the additional amount of insurance. I'd suggest you look into it -- after all, the NRA doesn't care how many guns you have. The only time you have to give info on your guns is if you have any single gun worth more than $1k.

You should have $1k worth of insurance already, as part of your standard NRA membership benefits (you are a member, yes?). Call the NRA and ask them for info on the supplemental ArmsCare policies.


Justin T. Huang, Esq.
late of Kennett Square, Pennsylvania


New member
Have any of ya'll who are shopping for insurance checked with Allstate? Their standard coverage of firearms on my homeowners policy is $2000, but you can get a rider for additional value over $2k. When I got the rider, I told the agent it was for firearms and he said "no problem, what is the value you want insured" Never asked me for serial numbers or makes/models. And because Allstate does not have a distinct "firearms" rider, they are listed on my policy as "sports equipiment". Now in the interest of prudence, I did have the firearms appraised by my favorite gunshop, and have the appraisal done every year or so to keep up with the changes in my collection, and I keep a copy of that at the office and a copy at the house...but Allstate doesn't get a copy and has never asked for a copy. Oh, and if you have any ONE item valued over 2.5K they want you to have a separate rider for that one item, but I don't have that issue.



New member
Got to agree with Danger Dave and others. My wife and I live in an apartment here in Northern Virginia and have Rental Insurance through State Farm. My collections is growing and exceeds the $1500 limit with that insurance. I asked about separate coverage for my firearms and my wife's jewlery. Received two extra and separate policies, in addition to my Rental Insurance. No problems covering our extra property. The costs for the two extra policies are very, very cheap (around $25-$30).

Unfortunely, I think you ran into a misinformed insurance agent.


New member
I had nothing but problems with State Farm. They first claimed that I had an accident on my record that I did not declare. This was an error on Equifax's part, but even when I presented State Farm with several pieces of proof, they still threatened to cancel my policy.

Later on they demanded a copy of the driver's license of my parents to prove that they did not live with me. Otherwise they expected them to be covered on my policy. Do I need to send them the copy of everyone on the planet to prove that they don't live with me?

I dropped them, and am happily insured with a local company.

Dennis Olson

New member
Yup. On ALL policies insuring ANYTHING, if the value exceeds their "limit", you gotta get a rider. No problem. We insure with SF.

Had to cancel the bike insurance with them though, as they refused, under ANY conditions, to cover the custom paint and accessories. That left me undercovered by $10k.

Finally got Lloyds of London to cover. $300/year.


New member
I'm no fan of State Farm but they would have done the same thing if it were jewelry. In fact there are limits on other types of properties built into policies. I believe electronic and/or computer equipment may also have limited coverage.

The way to cover your fireams is to insure them on a PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER POLICY or RIDER which would provide coverage for actual value for each of your firearms. In order to get such coverage you will be required to have your firearms appraised for their current value and the policy will be issued accordingly. The cost of this coverage is significant, but the coverage is good anywhere in the world and is generally without exclusion.

The biggest concern with insurance companies may lie in the liability type coverages. If insurance companies are forced to pay a significant number of liability claims due to accidents or wrongful deaths that occur on the premises, we may have a big problem. The situation would be similar to the increased liability of sport utility vehicles (SUV) causing "excessive" bodily injury or death to people in SMALL CARS! Of course the insurance company will want to charge more for that increased liability risk. The same thing could happen with guns. The worst case scenerio would be a complete "refusal of coverage" to gunowners. You better hope the anti-gun people don't get control over the insurance companies !!!

[This message has been edited by AUTiger73 (edited May 16, 2000).]


New member
As one who works for a major insurer in the claims department, as least with my employer, the limitation on firearms, depending on the policy, is for theft only. Extended coverage for increased limits is available as is all risk coverage which coverage almost all potential types of losses. Firearms are the single biggest target for theft; very few guns get burned up (on arsons, the guns are often removed beforehand) or have wind or water damage. Interestingly, we recover more firearms than any other single stolen item; but, the recovered item is almost never the firearm claimed as stolen. It is usually a worn out, rusted piece of junk, often non functional. It appears most were that way long before the theft. Most recoveries are taken to the local sheriff's office to be destroyed because of condition and unsafe condition.

El Jefe

New member
I personally have Farmers Insurance, They only covered up to 1000 with my regular policy however didn't even flinch when I needed the extra coverage at a very reasonable rate...To date not a problem!


New member
guess what, i hunt with my agent, he's not he best hunter but, i've got $30,000 gun coverage. i will hunt with him next year also. seems like its an extra $150.00 a year on top of home owners. [state farm]