Starting to get sick - State of the Union Address


Member In Memoriam
System's slow for me tonight, but Der Slickmeister's on the tube. Gonna go throw up in the can or get it all over y'all.



New member
more ATF agents
cylinder fingerprints
photo id for handgun purchases
smart guns
father of colombine victum behind Hillary


Moderator Emeritus
Rewards for working:
decrease the marriage tax
college tuition tax credits
other tax credits

I always thought my reward for working was my freaking, if I fall into a certain group, I'll get more of my reward back? Hmmm...I'm not married, my kid is 16 yrs away from I'm still screwed.

Oh yeah...drug war... "We'll go after what the drug traffickers value most...Money"

Its all about much the Feds can accrue and the little crumbs they may give back...Yes Mr. Clinton... Arbeit Macht Frei

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!


New member
ya'll are not the only ones that are fealing sick me too but i can'tstop watching dont know why though

btw the bord is runnimg slow for me too



New member
Otter passes around the barf bags...'s kind of like a car crash or train can't help but look... :rolleyes:

DC...if it is any comfort to you, you are not alone...I'm screwed too. Some reward.

And yes, the boards are extremely slow for me too.


Staff Emeritus
I sure was upset at Clinton's gun control agenda. But the Republicans sure did counter it with their usual aplomb (not a single word...)! :mad:

In fact, too :mad: to post right now!

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

Ed Brunner

New member
I confess that I cannot watch or listen to him. I really lothe him that much. We have about eleven more months and we have to keep working to keep any more laws from being passed.

Better days to be,



Staff Alumnus
Golly gee, sure wish I'd seen this. Too bad I'd already alloctaed my time to teach a beginning class in How to Make Sure Your Evil Instrument of Death is Shiny Clean and Smells Like Hoppes #9.

In any case...

Mr. Clinton: BITE ME!

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson

Jeff Thomas

New member
Lies, damned lies, and stat ... , nope - Clinton's speech.

If Reagan was the Great Communicator, Bill Clinton has to be the Great Manipulator. What a disgusting excuse for a human being. The lying, liberal Democrats deserve this scum. Sometimes it appears that much of America does as well, and that is truly sobering.

Mal H

Did you all hear that not one Justice from the Supreme Court showed? They all called in with separate excuses for not showing up. Interesting.


New member
Funny how democrats (and reps) always think a tax credit is the way to go. How about just reducing or eliminating taxes? If they want to redistribute income so bad, why not just take everyone's income, put in a pot, and give each person back an equal amount. We're half way there anyway. Atlas Shrugged here we come.


New member
I took the time before I surfed over here to drop my congressman a letter telling him what I thought about Comrade Klintonov's gun control ideas. I suggest that you all do the same. :) You can do the deed through the NRA's website at

Oh, and by the way, I vented my frustrations at the range BEFORE the Bill and Al show, so I was OK!! :) :) :)

Just as there is no such thing as too much fun,
there is no such thing as owning just one gun!!!

Now, go do the right thing, and buy that Walther!!


Member In Memoriam
"This fine man, Tom Mauser, who took a leave of absense from his job to fight for gun control ..."

Right, Tom's a lobbyist-type for SAFE (a CO group - Safe Alternatives to the Firearm Epidemic - I know) ... used to work for CO's DoT )I think). Now SAFE has matched his $70K salary. Nice "leave of absense."

I especially enjoyed the GoP's charismatic response. :(

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
So - is it suppost to make us feel better that the thief gives us a little of our own money back to us?

Sounds like pieces of silver to me.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud


New member
I cannot stand this man. How dare he invoke the words and the memories of our founding fathers, and then rape the Constitution in the next breath? He has a gall that I just cannot fathom or understand.

Walk in today on coworkers praising him for his "greatness and forward thinking". Sigh. And the sheep bleet on...

Interesting he kept invoking the word "Revolution". Yeah, its not that far away...


New member
like the way he asked everyone to stand and applaud the military?

Lemmings to the sea
following the piper's call
lets legislate safety
for you & me



New member
Didn't watch it - only have 2 1/2 months of my BP medicine on hand, and I can't get it refilled this early...

"...and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."
Luke 22:36
"An armed society is a polite society."
Robert Heinlein

Bob Locke

New member
I'm starting to be very happy that I don't have a TV in my house right now! I would have likely put a high-speed projectile through it if I did. :)

Coinneach, I loved the "How to Make Sure Your Evil Instrument of Death is Shiny Clean and Smells Like Hoppes #9." part! That is a particularly wonderful scent, isn't it?

Jack Straw

New member
I didn't want to watch, I knew it would only serve to infuriate me. My girlfriend was resting on me and didn't want me to move. I begged her to let me go hookup to TFL so that I could be in good company, but she was comfortable. Its probably a good thing or else anything I would have posted would been a long stream of cursing about that filthy rotten !#&*$%@$$!%....whoa, down boy. After TheLiarInChief got through the risky gun control schemes part of his address, I was able to get my hands on the remote. I flipped over to the History channel and watched something on the history of plumbing (which BTW, was VERY interesting!). I felt better at that point.

I spent some time at the range just prior to the address, but it wasn't enough to ward off any feelings of nausea.



Member In Memoriam
Tangental - watched the love-fest go down on Fox. Very little camera work showed the GOP's side of the room. When it did, t'wasn't much in the way of applause. Still, I found it odd that the "we report, you decide" network jacked around with the cameras.