Starting my reloading adventure. Question on cases.


New member
Hi all,

So I've nearly got all my gear together and have started to clean my first batch of once-fired factory brass.

My question is: what do you do with cases that are just a tiny bit deformed - as when they are not perfectly round when looking at the mouth? Clearly I plan on discarding cases that were stepped on or overly bent out of shape, but I have a few that are somewhat circular in shape still and that look like they will go into the sizing die OK.

Will the resizing die take care of the ones that are only a little bit bent out of shape or should I play it safe and discard?

Thanks for your thoughts from a newb to reloading.



New member
Go for it, that is one of the functions of the sizing die. Small dents on the shoulder or body of a bottle necked cartridge will be fixed the next time you fire it.

Hi all,

So I've nearly got all my gear together and have started to clean my first batch of once-fired factory brass.

My question is: what do you do with cases that are just a tiny bit deformed - as when they are not perfectly round when looking at the mouth? Clearly I plan on discarding cases that were stepped on or overly bent out of shape, but I have a few that are somewhat circular in shape still and that look like they will go into the sizing die OK.

Will the resizing die take care of the ones that are only a little bit bent out of shape or should I play it safe and discard?

Thanks for your thoughts from a newb to reloading.


New member
What caliber are you reloading? Straight walled pistol brass is particularly easy. IF the brass will go into the sizing die, run it thru and then check it. Will usually clean up minor dings.


New member
If the neck is bent some, but not too badly, I often take a punch and straighten it a bit then size it. That will usually fix it. Give it a try.


New member
Thanks all. That's what I figured but wanted to be doubly sure -- ya know, that first-time reloading angst!

What caliber are you reloading? Straight walled pistol brass is particularly easy.

I'm reloading pistol in .45ACP and 9mm so all straight-walled cases.