Star ?


New member
Just picked up a Star model B with no import marks at all, #225688 were some of these brought in without being marked? terry


New member
You acquired a great shooter in the Star Model B, they are easily dated with the Spanish code on the frame and/or the serial number. I have over eighty Star pistols many with no import marks :) and many with Interarms markings (the sole importer for many years). Yours was made in 1943 part of a run of 2000.


New member
Done a little more checking, on left side has a N with a mark above it, which I think dates it to 1943, and has import letters under the slide lock. terry


New member
I'm picking up this BM tomorrow.


New member
I see what looks to be VG condition BM's for sale for at or slightly under $200. To me that makes most new pistols sold today to look way over priced, as the Stars are very high quality handguns.
I have an A model (9MM Largo) that is sweet.


New member
Most of the low priced BM pistols are great shooters but lack any collector value as first the Spanish Gov ground off unit markings then CAI put their gigantic billboard of crap on the side. Many of these pistols are in original boxes and very good condition otherwise. Up until this release the unit markings were left intact, I guess this is a way to avoid future embarrassment?


New member
Most of the low priced BM pistols are great shooters but lack any collector value as first the Spanish Gov ground off unit markings then CAI put their gigantic billboard of crap on the side. Many of these pistols are in original boxes and very good condition otherwise. Up until this release the unit markings were left intact, I guess this is a way to avoid future embarrassment?
I feel fortunate that the Star BM I recently bought from an individual still has the Gaurdia Civil markings and a much smaller roll mark from the importer. See pics above.


New member
Yes, having original police markings is better aesthetically but the latest imports are great shooters none the less and are worth the price asked by distributors ( around $200-225). I saw one at a gun show Sat that was priced at $500 and others $350 to $400, not much of a bargain.


New member
I have a little 25 (Model CO I think) that is pretty cool.

My Super B and BM are excellent shooters. I got them for $200-something apiece. They are high-quality pistols. To get them for the price I did is almost ridiculous. After my FiL shot my Super B, he ordered himself one as soon as he got home. My Super B had very little wear, my BM had almost none, my FiL's Super B appeared to be NIB.

My advice is get one before they're gone.


New member
Echo what tallball suggests, soon all fine surplus firearms will be but a memory. I purchased a Nagant revolver, Arsenal refinished with new checkered wood grip, for $99 a couple of years ago and currently if you can still find one they run $350+. With NATO directing all countries to destroy surplus firearms imports to the US will come to a halt.
The Model B Star is a more traditional design but many surplus offerings are for pretty worn pistols, often Super Model B’s can be found in nice shape. One of my B Super’s was featured in a Firearms news article a few months back, that pistol is in like new condition.


New member
Congrats on your Star!

The gunboards website has a section for Spanish pistols- and there is a lot of support for STAR there.

I have 4 Star handguns, and a Argentinian copy of a Star pistol as well.

I love the feel and history to them. I'd like to have a 1943 Model B- to go with my 1943 Mauser [Walther designed] P38, and my 1943 Ballester-Molina.

However, I have a 1945- and that is as close as I can get.

If you have reliability issues- go to the Spanish pistols section of the gunboards forums, and ask.

Or, pm me.

I had to have a new extractor made for one, and it works great now.

However, the extractor work was 1/3 the cost of the entire handgun. Of course, now I have a handgun that works right.

Fun handguns. Enjoy!


New member
I have an Interarms imported Super B in 9mm, catalog number STP 04901, I picked up years ago, serial 176xxxx. I don't think I ever shot it lol. It got buried in a box since I moved shortly after and I forgot about it.

The only stamp it has is Spain unless there is something under the grips.

Not mine, but matches exactly what I have.

I didn't realize these made good shooters. I may have to take it out next time I go though it sounds like replacement parts may be a pain. Of course it doesn't sound like they are particularly valuable either so may not be a huge loss if I shoot it until it breaks. I have read you also shouldn't dry fire them though.


I've looked at the Stars but maaahhh... don't know. The guns might be cheap today, but when they break, parts will not be an easy find my friends. Keeping me away.


New member
Don't dry fire it. Don't shoot it 500 rounds per week.

Mine are range guns that are in my rotation and get shot less than 100 rounds per month. They will last much longer than I will. I might have to buy a spring for one or both of them eventually. They are heavy-duty service pistols. I am not worried that a part will suddenly break.

If needed, I wouldn't hesitate to use them for SD. They are accurate and reliable. Yeah, you could wear one out and break a part, but it would be the same as doing it to a 1911 or a Model 10.


New member
Brennok, Whom ever told you Star pistols are cheaply made is incorrect, the Spanish Army, Air Force, police services as well as many other countries services used the pistols with exceptional results. So many of these pistols were then bought as surplus by Israel and saw a second service finally being imported to the US for sale to us. Not many companies can boast of such service reliability with regard to their product, I shoot all of my Star pistols and worry not about breakage as they soldier on.