Standard Arms 9mm


New member
I am trying to find out some information on the Standard Arms 9mm pistol. It looks somewhat like the Kel Tec, but at 14 oz, supposedly the lightest 9mm available.

My father recently purchased one at a Gun Show and I had the opportunity to examine it, but we have yet to fire the thing. I decided myself not to purchase one and instead got an FM Hi Power that day. I may get one in the future as something smaller than my Glock 36 for deep concealment.

My only complaint is the ugly hooked trigger guard, but that is easy to fix with a dremel.

Any comments on this pistol?

Good SHooting


New member
Hmmmm..thanks for the thread. I read in the Website where the designer of the Standard Arms pistol used to be the company president for..ack..Lorcin.

Anyway..we should go to the rage soon so I'll have a range report on the weapon.

Goood shooting


New member
Fresh off the presses:

I talked to the service manager at Standard Arms today. My replacement for my deceased SA-9 was sent on Friday and should be here by Wednesday. Per my previous post, the receiver in my SA-9 cracked after 100 rounds of Winchester Whitebox. Here's what the service manager said:

1) The receiver in the SA-9 is die cast aluminum. The manufacturer of the receiver had a bad batch of "porous" castings that totally crapped out. He was quite apologetic and confirmed that they would honor their lifetime warranty with no reservations.

2) They are switching over to machined receivers in the near future (so if my next one happens to crack, I will get one with a machined receiver instead).

3) They are coming out with an SA-40 in 40 S&W very soon. It will be made with a machined aluminum receiver.

4) The factory does 5 test shots with PMC ammo. They recommend PMC ammo also, although they have done tests with at least 9 common ammo brands and don't have any issues with any of them (including Win Whitebox).

5) They don't anodize right now...don't see a need to (he didn't explain). He said his own SA-9 has 1,900 rounds through it with little/no noticeable wear.

Overall, I'm happy my new SA-9 is on the way here. A little concerned still, but I'll update after my first trip to the range.


New member
Just got my SA-9 via Fedex. The serial number is 7xxx vs. 3xxx for the one I sent in. Workmanship looks better (bluing is even instead of splochy) and the action cycles quite smoothly. I am looking forward to a visit to the range this afternoon if I can.

Another thing I did not note in my previous post is that I mentioned to the service manager the excellent "half cock" feature my first SA-9 had. He sort of hemmed and hawed and said that it must've been a malfunction...there is no half-cock feature, and that the malfunction could've made my pistol unsafe. I'm glad I got rid of it and the new one is here. They also packed an extra magazine (now I have three), and a quick note to acknowledge the replacement. I guess their service is pretty good (less than 2 weeks for a replacement)...we'll see how good the product is.


New member
Just got back from the range. 100 rounds of CCI Blazer with no major malfunctions. I had a couple of light strikes which were due to hard Blazer primers (the strike showed, but the primer didn't light).

I took the pistol apart at the visible wear or problems with the receiver. The pistol is definitely snappy, but functioned well. I am still cautious about the SA-9...another 2-300 rounds and I'll be more comfortable.


New member
Well, here we go again. I stripped my SA-9 last night, and took a close look under a bright light. Looks like a crack has begun to develop in the receiver (same place as last time). The crack hasn't made it all the way through the rail, so I'm going to the range and putting another 50 rounds through it. I will post an update. I am really disappointed at this point...wouldn't recommend to anyone for any reason.


New member
Man that gun is just junk. Please don't shoot it again.
If the reciever is already cracked just send it back and get your money.


New member
Well, I'm not a metallurgist but I play one on TV :) Anyway, you're probably right. As an engineer, I want to see what happens, and I have enough confidence in my engineering abilities to believe that the crack won't go beyond its current extent (it would have to propagate downwards to begin to make me worry). There is obviously a material problem at work here, since the design is almost exactly the same as the Kel-Tec P11 but the problem is unique to SA-9's (at least so far).


New member
Allright...I am finished. The SA-9 is officially a POS. I went back to the range this week. Not only did the initial crack come back - it grew from the takedown pin hole clear through the left rail - but I got a new, very worrisome crack. The right rail cracked extensively all along the front half, about 2 inches long from front to back. I'm pretty sure a few more shots would have sheared the rail right off. On my last shot, the bullet was about 12" low and right from the POA. I am returning the pistol to the dealer this week. I am hoping he will at least credit the amount to a new purchase. I am amazed someone would sell this thing to the public...


New member
Ewww..not good man.

The one that we picked up at the gun show has yet to be fired.

Good luck on getting your a credit or refund on your pistol. Hopefully the dealer won't throw you to the wolves over this one.

I've only heard good about the Kel Tecs and their customer service, so I'm thinking of getting one of the .32's for deep cover when I can't carry my .45.

Good Shooting


New member
Guys, I'm neew to this sight. I was surffing through some threads on the SA-9.I have one in the s/n 6xxx range. It has probably had 2000 or more rounds thru it, with none of the before mentioned defects. I guess I got lucky.
thought I would throw that in.