Stamped vs. Milled AK Varients


New member
For those of you who have stamped and milled receivers... which do you prefer and why?

Is it worth the cost difference between the two to get the milled? Thanks! :D


New member
It's kind of a "Six of one, half a dozen of the other" situation.
Both have real advantages.

The milled is typically a more accurate, higher quality rifle, that will last longer without having rivets or welds come loose.

The stamped is cheaper, and lighter.

I have a milled Bulgarian Arsenal SLR that's about as high quality as it gets.

If I could justify it, I'd like to have a lightweight, high quality stamped rifle in 5.45mm.


New member
Of course if you think about it, these kit builders (like me!!:D )
build guns that were originally Battle/assault rifles in the 60's 70's and 80's. They were used by many people during war. That should give some merit to a "throw away" gun with a stamped receiver.....