Stallone: With us or still against us?

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Single Six

New member
I remember back when the murder/suicide of Phil Hartman occurred some years ago. I saw Sylvester Stallone interviewed about the matter on TV;he said this: "Until the police go door-to-door and collect all the handguns,this is what you're going to have." Now,last year I saw that SOF magazine,an outfit that has always been solidly pro-gun,gave him a pretty receptive interview. Did I miss something here? Has Rambo changed his mind,or is Soldier Of Fortune magazine willing to forgive and forget? I asked SOF the question via e-mail,but never saw a reply. Anyone who can give me the scoop on this,please let me know.

Jim March

New member
Hollywood "personalities" in general will simply tilt with the popular winds. As we win in court, as CCW drives crime rates down to a point where even MS-NBC has to notice, they'll swing our way.

This became inevitable once more than 50% of the US states (by population) went shall-issue - and we hit that at least by 2002 (Michigan) if not 2004 (Ohio).

Bottom line: who gives a flying (beeeep) what Stallone thinks?

The Tourist

I think these actions are typical.

Most of Hollywood is anti-gun. That is until they make an action movie. Then every theater shows a big ol' poster with their smirking mug and a fistful of some huge automatic pistol.

They sure seem to like picking up those million dollar checks for handling a gun, don't they?

BTW, wha't the difference between Sylvester Stallone and Jane Fonda? Simple, Jane Fonda has actually been to Vietnam...


New member
As far as Nugent goes, I'm a fan of his music and I'm entertained by his bombastic antics....but, I don't think he's what firearm owners need for PR ...imo. Stallone? I could care less either way.


New member
Ted Nugent would kick his butt in the real world LOL

Give me a break, Nugent pooped his pants then lived in them for a week in order to avoid the draft. He's not going to be beating anyone that could possibly hurt him.

We gotta stop looking to talking heads for guidance.


New member
"Look at what's happening in America's inner-cities. If our hopeless legal system continues going the same liberal direction, there will be anarchy before long. We need one person in an influential position to stand up and tell the truth about gun control lobbies, the death penalty and that our criminal justice system basically stinks."
Sylvester Stallone, interview in Cinefantastique magazine, June 1995

"until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you're gonna have... It really is pathetic... We're livin' in the Dark Ages over there."
Sylvester Stallone, March 28, 1998

"I know we use guns in films," but insisted the time has come "to be a little more accountable and realize that this is an escalating problem that’s eventually going to lead to, I think, urban warfare."
Sylvester Stallone on Access Hollywood, June 8, 1998

"It [2nd Amendment] has to be stopped, and someone really has to go on the line, a certain dauntless political figure, and say, ‘It’s ending, it’s over, all bets are off. It’s not 200 years ago, we don’t need this anymore, and the rest of the world doesn’t have it. Why should we?"

Sylvester Stallone on Access Hollywood, June 8, 1998

"Another nobody needs it but me" hypocritical liberal


Single Six

New member
Well,thanks as always for the input,y'all....I agree;for Stallone to have said what he said was the very height of hypocrisy [for a guy who made millions with movies so dependent upon firearms]. I guess what was really bugging me here was the idea of SOF giving such a warm and fuzzy interview when they should have been taking him to task for his anti-gun comments. Anyhow,thanks again to all respondents.


New member
Bottom line: who gives a flying (beeeep) what Stallone thinks?

Apparently SOF magazine hence the interview. Oddly they don't seem to care he is a Brady spokesperson and has spoken at their rallies.


New member
It has already been posted here, but just to reiterate, Ted Nugent is a draft dodger, and has joked about it many times. He can wave the flag all he wants, and talk the talk, but when it came time for HIS butt to be on the line, he blinked. He let someone else go and bleed while he stayed home and ran his mouth.

Stallone is just typical of the left. No integrity. He can talk all he wants about the 2ND Ammendment needing to be abolished, but he sure got HIS permit didn't he. He is special, we are peasants.

I can think of much better representaion than Ted Nugent. He may be entertaining to watch when he verbally engages a lefty, but just keep in mind what he is. A loud mouth, bug eyed meathead, who talks tough but ran when Uncle Sam pointed his finger at him.


New member
He wants to be armed but doesn't want the lowly masses to be armed. He's an idiot and I do NOT watch his movies.


New member
Don't forget to have your democrats spayed or neutered !!! I have never thought of Nugent as my spokesman . Speak softly , but carry a big stick ! It's the Lightening that kills , not the Thunder ! Hanoi Jane is still a ------- and always will be . I used to watch Atlanta Braves Baseball and she was in the stands with Mr. Turner when he was married to the witch . I'd want to puke every time they put the camera on her .
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