stainless steel


New member
Hello my friend

I wonder myself. Do you mean externally or internally?

My experience:
Flitz metal polish--works good, lots of work. Polishes.
Birchwood-Casey Lead Away cloths--the absolute best thing for stainless cylinder faces that are black with lead and carbon. Nothing removes lead/carbon from s/s gun surfaces better, IMHO. Not to be used on blued steel.
Breakfree CLP--degrease and then wipe down with this for best rust protection.
75% Mobil One, 25% Auto Trans Fluid (Dexron)--I made this one up myself. Let it sit on your gun for as long as you care to be patient. It just takes a thin layer. When you wipe it off, it will remove all but the most stubborn residue and leave a shiny surface.

Always apply with cloth, never paper.




New member
Mainly I was talking about the externals of the handgun. I just bought a stainless SA Champion and its the first stainless I have ever owned. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Also, you may want to try a tube of Simichrome; inexpensive
and it really does a nice job. It's kind'a like the old
Brylcream; "a little dab will do you". Inexpensive, and found at most K-Mart automotive department's. It leaves
a nice, shiny, rich finish.:D:)

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


Member In Memoriam
When your stainless gun gets scratched up, as it eventually will, a nice brushed finish can be achieved with Scotch-Brite pads. Try to find some of the gray kind, in a hardware or automotive store. The much more common green is a bit too abrasive. Rub lightly in one direction, and a nice matte finish can be had. There's also a white grade of S-B that is even less abrasive, if you prefer.