Stainless Semi-Auto in .22 Mag? Help!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The trouble with folks thinking you're a Guru is that you usually ain't. A buddy of mine asked about an S&W stainless semi-auto pistola in .22 Mag. I sez, I dunno. I looked in Fjestad, and didn't find such an animal.

My memory has it that somebody did indeed make such an animal, but Oldtimer's struck and my memory struck out.

He'p me!

:), Art


New member
I used to have an Automag in 22 magnum. The gun was OK but always had a lot of trouble with the magazines. Had a very distinctive sound when fired - people at the range would always come over to see what I was shooting, not because it was overly loud but because it sounded like the artillery pieces in the movies. Don't know how else to describe it.


New member
Ive heard a rumor of a Ruger MkII prototype running around the plant in 22 mag. Totally reworked frame, bolt etc. Sounds dreamy!!:D

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Thanx. I did a Google search and found a site with three of them for sale. NIB @ $350; good used for $320. Told my buddy; now it's up to him...

:), Art