Stag Arms Uppers


New member
I will be buying a Rock River Arms lower at my local gun shop for either $250 or $350 depending on whether on which trigger I want. And I will be buying a complete upper online. I'm looking at either a Rock River Arms or Stag Arms uppers. I can get the RRA for $430 and the Stag for $375.00. Both are flat tops and I'll have to add a rear BUIS. Which do you recommend? Is the quality of the Stag and less. It will be mostly used for plinking and under 100 yds.


New member
Fit and finish of the RRA upper on the RRA lower will be a little better than the Stag, but they are both quality uppers. For plinking and close-in work, I say go with the Stag to save a little $$ for that BUIS.


New member
Fit and finish of the RRA upper on the RRA lower will be a little better than the Stag, but they are both quality uppers. __________________

I can't tell the difference between my RRA and Stag parts.

The lowers are made by the same shop (CMT) and only differ by rollmark. In fact, my RRA rollmark is not as deep as the Stag. Upper to lower fit is identical (tight). You can save another $50 with a Stag lower.


Stag is CMT they make uppers and lowers for Colt,and others .Stag is the name and logo they put on thier own stuff it is as good as it gets . You can't beat it for fit ,finish ,function ,and spec's. other than the funky logo on the lower they are superb.:D


New member
I recently had a chance to shoot both a Stag & RRA. Honestly, I couldn't tell a difference between the 2. If you can save money buying one over the other, go w/ that one!
IMO, it might be kinda cool tho to have a complete AR that had matching upper & lower ;)


New member
I'd like to have a matching Upper and Lower. They seem to look like frankentsien guns when they don't match. But I don't think my local gun store carries Stag. If they do carry Stag then thats what I'll use. But I figure $250 for a match grade lower isn't bad.


New member
Stag matches RRA coloring.

There is no "match grade" lower. The only difference is the trigger groups, with the National Match guns having the two stage triggers wanted in CMP competition. You can also get the Stag with the RRA two stage trigger group.

kart racer

New member
I bought a stag upper and lower last month.It shoots great.I sent the upper back last week because the fsb was canted.They're sending me a new upper this week and paid shipping both ways.The only thing I don't like about stag is the way the staking was done on the bolt carrier.