St. Obama gets halo knocked crooked


New member
Like I have said. Obama is whipped cream. Lots of volume, but not much substance. Tasty for awhile, people eventually want something with much more substance. Obama is going to have to turn from whipped cream into pie and ice cream or else he is in serious trouble.


New member
He was getting quite smug, riding on the wave of Liberal lovefest.

But we'll see what happens.

Frank Ettin

Obama may be whipped cream, but he'll be our next president unless McCain is elected. The only way for Obama to lose would be for McCain to win.


New member
The only way for Obama to lose would be for McCain to win

Maybe, considering his showing yesterday, the bloom may be off the rose, but I'm OK with McCain winning if it means Obama or Hillary losing.


New member
If Obama don't win then there will be riots and looting.

Anyone remember the riots in Los Angeles, 1994?


New member
And here I was, hoping I need only touch his garment and he might cure all my afflictions. (So much for the dire predictions that he would coast into the presidency on a wave of perfection.)

Break out the Tarnex, Obama's halo needs a quick polish.


New member
If Obama don't win then there will be riots and looting.

Anyone remember the riots in Los Angeles, 1994?
I dare them to try that. They might as well paint themselves orange and yell "Pull!"