St. Louis Arch (aka Jefferson Memorial) CCW ok???


New member
The VP Fair is happening this weekend... can we carry there?
Anyone know? Metal detectors at entrance points?

Its a national park so carry should be ok (?).. but I know you cant carry into the underground arch building, what about the grounds around it?


New member
AFAIK, the grounds are OK. The building itself, no.

The Arch area itself isn't in a bad spot. They can be prone to property crimes, but crimes against persons aren't all that common in that vicinity.


New member
^^ Right, but this weekend is different... 500,000+ people.

Since I cant get a straight answer about ccw on the grounds (legally), I wonder if anyone knows first-hand if they fence the area off and use metal detectors at focused entrance areas?


New member
Don't know the answer to your question, but we go down there all the time. It's NORTH St. Louis you want to avoid, espespecially after sundown. St. Louis is a great little city.


New member
^^ Right, but this weekend is different... 500,000+ people.

Since I cant get a straight answer about ccw on the grounds (legally), I wonder if anyone knows first-hand if they fence the area off and use metal detectors at focused entrance areas?

I keep forgetting about Fair St. Louis. Lately, it has indeed been forgettable.

Normally, carry on the Arch grounds is indeed just fine. I remember somebody over at MOCarry getting an answer from the NPS on this, and they said the grounds were good to go.

I honestly have no idea if they rope off entrances and use metal detectors. I don't think they do- if so, you can return to your vehicle to stash your sidearm. Do keep it out of sight though- there have been a bunch of vehicle break-ins in the downtown area. Metrolink is NOT an option for CCW; carrying on that thing is a felony, not the simple "just leave" it would otherwise be according to MO Law.


New member
beer fest

The NPS typically details a number of rangers to the VP event at the arch. Everybody that is sent, returns and states its a beer fest. Darn circus or so they say. Drunks, confrontations, every where.

Why anybody would want to go, much less CCW in the process, is a mystery to me. I'd avoid such environs myself.

"Best block, no be there"


New member
Why anybody would want to go, much less CCW in the process, is a mystery to me. I'd avoid such environs myself.

Years ago, the air show was quite the thing. Now there isn't one. About the only reasons to go down there would be to catch some past their prime musical acts, eat a funnel cake, pay way more than one ought for a "beer," and watch a decent fireworks show.