SR22 Range Review (A little long)


New member
Today I took my SR22 to the range with much anticipation. It rained early in the morning and it was still cloudy with a slight wind when I arrived at the range. I brought five different ammo; CCI Standard Velocity, CCI AR Tactical (only had 20 rds available), Federal Auto Match, Federal 550 Bulk Pack, and Winchester 555 Bulk Pack.

My plan was to shoot targets at 7, 15 and 25 yards using rapid fire, slow fire, double action (DA), single action (SA) and double taps. I also brought a spinner target for plain plinking fun. My definition of rapid fire is pulling the trigger as soon as you are back on target. Slow fire to me is you squeeze the trigger and hold it to the rear while staying on target, release the trigger, and sight in on the target before shooting again. When I shoot rapid DA, it's as quickly as I can shoot the first shot in DA, then manipulate the safety to decock and back to fire and then shoot again.

First up was the CCI Standard Velocity 40 gr solid lead round nose rated at 1070 fps. The targets were four side by side 6" circles drawn on a poster board. When I was putting it up, I found some push pins that someone had left on the target boards and decided to use them as my bullseye. Loading the mags was easy thanks to the magazine button. First ten shots were rapid fire, first shot at DA and the remaining nine shots in SA. First target was the outside left. DA trigger pull was long, gritty and had noticeable stacking. SA trigger pull had a little slack but broke nicely. First shot was low, and the group was about 3-3.5". Second mag, first shot DA felt better, second shot the push pin disappeared and the group shrank to maybe less than 3". I did not bring a caliper or ruler so I am estimating measurement using the pictures. I counted the hits on target. :confused: Only nine on the first target. There was not another mark anywhere on the board. Either I hit the same spot twice or I loaded 9 rounds on the first mag. I counted ten hits on the second and found the push pin on the ground. :D


The next 20 rounds were the same. I had a couple of pulled shot that kept the groups from getting smaller. The next 30 (10 of CCI SV and 20 of the CCI AR) shots were double taps moving left to right then right to left. It was really easy to transition from target to target with the three dot sight. So far 70 rounds and everything was going well.

Next up were 6" bullseye targets printed on regular printer paper. The center measures 1 7/8". I used 20 rds each from the available ammo for a total of 80 rds. First 10 rds were rapid DA and the second 10 rds were rapid SA. The best group in DA was the CCI Standard (2 1/4") and suprisingly the best group in SA was the Winchester (1 3/4"). The most consistent was the CCI Standard (2 1/4" DA and 2 1/8" SA). The worst DA group was Federal 550 Bulk pack with groups of 3 1/8" and the worst SA group was the Federal Auto Match at 2 1/2". The worst grouping overall belong to the Federal 550 Bulk pack. Overall, each target had a pulled shot or two that added to the group size with the shooter being the limiting factor.

CCI Standard Velocity DA

Winchester SA

The first malfunction happened after shot 131 in DA mode. The ammo was Winchester, first round fired, decocked hammer and back to fire, squeezed the trigger and nothing. I dropped the mag check the chamber and it was empty, counted the rds in the mag (9 left), the case ejected but it did not feed the second round. Slapped the mag back in and chambered a rd. The remaining nine rds fed, fired, and ejected. The second malfunction was after shot number 141 in SA mode. Exact same thing happened when in DA. First rd bang, then squeeze trigger and nothing. Two different mags and same result with the Winchester ammo. End of part 1.


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New member
Part II

After the FTF from the Winchester, I thought well maybe it's getting dirty so I switched back to the CCI Standard Velocity (SV) for 10 rounds. No malfunction.

On to the 15 yard targets. This time the targets are silhoute targets measuring 8" high by 4" wide. Same routine, as the 7 yds target, 10 rds DA and 10 rds SA exept they are shot into the same target for a total of 20 on each. Best group was Federal 550 Value Pack with a 4" group (although I only counted 18 hits on paper). The other groups were around 6". The CCI had the best center mass hits (90%) but two pulled shots expanded the group by almost three inches otherwise it would have a nice 3" group. Again the limiting factor is the shooter.
Once again, the second round in each mag did not chamber with the Winchester ammo. Same remedial action and the rest fired without any problem.

Federal 550 Value Pack 15 yards

Next up are the 25 yard targets but this time all 20 shots were SA only and slow fire. At this distance the front sight covers all of the silhouette. I count hits on paper and hits on the silhouette. The Federal Match and the CCI SV were tied with a 15 rds on paper and 10 hits on the silhouette. The Federal Bulk was next with 14 and 9 and the Winchester was last with 12 and 6. The same problem surfaced on one of the mags with the Winchester ammo.

Federal Match 25 yards

After all the paper targets, I put the spinner target out to 25 yards. The bottom paddle is 4 1/2" in diameter and the top paddle is 2 7/8". I was out of CCI SV at this point so it was between the Federal Match, Federal Bulk and Winchester Bulk for the fun plinking. I was not keeping track of how many hits with each ammo. I would just load the mags full and shoot the first shot in DA and the rest in SA. The Winchester ammo FTF was on and off. Sometimes both mags would not chamber the second round and other times only one would malfunction. There was one FTF on a third round. Total malfunction with the Winchester ammo was 9 times out of 100 rounds. I did experience one malfunction with the Federal Bulk on the last shot, it did not chamber all the way. I pulled the slide and inspected the round. The bullet was not seated square to the case so I tossed it. End of part II

Spinner Target


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New member
Part III: Conclusion

I am very happy with my new SR22. It functioned 97.7%, 440 rounds with only 10 malfunctions and all but one were from the same manufacturer. I would say this is not a picky gun when it comes to ammo. However, in any bulk pack of 22 lr you are bound to find a few bad rounds so good ammo translates to better function. The trigger did feel gritty in DA and had noticeable stacking. It seemed to smooth out a little. SA was plenty good, just a little slack and overtravel and the reset was not bad either. Accuracy was great. The lack of recoil really helped to get back on target quickly and accurately. The light weight also helps on staying on target longer as your arm does not get as tired. The limiting factor of the shooter plays into how big the groups are in this case but for me that is about on par with my other pistols. I'm sure with more shooting, it will get better. And this time it will not cost as much to shoot.:D


New member
Great review, thanks! This one is definitely on my short list for 2012 from all I've heard so far.

Can't ever have enough .22s.
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New member
Here's the Pistol

I had it up on my other post but I guess I can post it here as well.




The safety acts as a decocker.

The manual states, it is safe to dry fire. I was very surprised about this.

I'm glad it does not have the loaded red flag like my LC9.

It's cool that it's DA/SA.

I replaced the grip to the bigger size.

Disassembly is super easy.

It has a magazine disconnect that disengages the trigger completely.

It comes with two magazines and both have the extended and rounded plates.

You can remove/replace the barrel using an allen wrench.

Rear sights are adjustable for windage and elevation using a small flat screwdriver.
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New member
I took mine out for the first time after work a couple of nights ago. I had a box of WIN 333 bulk ammo. I had three failure to fire out of the box. I checked the primers on each one and there was a good firing pin strike, so I blame the ammo. There seems to be a pattern here with the WIN bulk ammo.

Also, the gun was VERY dirty when I was done. II am so glad it is easy to strip down to clean. My 22/45 is more accurate, but a pain to put back together.


New member
O was wondering what the gun cleaning procedure is like? I had a mark III, but I got rid of it because I got tired of how hard it was to take down and put back together again, nice gun though. If it is a lot easier to take down, I might just have to get one of these.


New member
To disassemble, clear the pistol then flip down the take down lever located in the trigger area of the slide (you can see it in the pics). Pull the slide all the way to the rear and lift up, The rear of the slide will come up, then slide it forward to clear the barrel. You can then remove the guide rod and recoil spring. That completes the disassembly.


New member
Thanks for sharing!

Does the SR22 have a loaded chamber indicator that sticks up/out? I can't tell from any pictures so far, but was wondering, since all the other new Rugers seem to have them.

Thanks again.


New member
Thanks Marquezj16

Unfortunately, as much as I hate the 'flagpole' LCI design, without one I will not get a chance to buy this pistol as I am in the people's republic of kalifornia and it won't pass the state's requirements of safety features.


Well, more for the rest of you all: enjoy!


New member
Pilot, I've been attempting to do that with every vote I cast in every election California has had since 1990, when I became a California resident and was able to.

I've stayed here for economic opportunities. I can't afford to leave in my industry, and it would cause a divorce with my wife [which is a BAD thing! She encourages me to go shooting!].

I've talked enough about how evil California is. I accept it is horrible to be a gun owner here. I would like things different. I know many, if not most, of you live in a truly free state.

Let's stick to the SR22 range review and other SR22 [or non-california] related stuff. I don't want to distract from a good thread. I am sorry I brought it up. [I need to use PM more.]


New member
Was just holding one at cabelas. Nice fit and finish.
Suprised how small but similar to walther i guess.
Despite small fit hand well and felt good.
I think i will get one. Just bought a few 9mm so this looks like a great. 22