Squirrel hunting with 12 gauge


New member
My brother in law and i have been invited to go squirrel hunting,any he has no gun.I have a .22 with scope that i'll be using,i also have a 12 gauge with a 18 1/2 cylinder bore.

My question is this would it be acceptable for him to use it and what type of ammo should be used.I bought some federal hi-brass #4 shot and #6 shot both.


Staff In Memoriam
For way long range, I use #6 for tree rats... Any other time I use CHEAP low brass target loads with low payloads as it don't vaporize the buggers so easy...


Staff In Memoriam
the Cylinder bore is great for opening the pattern sooner to also avoid meat damage... One pellet to the noggin is plenty on a tree rat. I like the 18 inch myself... actually prefer it for tree rats as it mounts real fast but swing and lead is slower and less crucial compared to doves and such.

I can hold my own against most any one on hit ratio for tree rats which is far more than I can say about clay sports or wing shooting the "grey rocket".:eek:
P.S. I meant to say in my first reply... Those cheap rounds I prefer for routine use are 7 1/2...


New member
I use 71/2's too. That is great squirrel medicene. If you are hunting with a buddy, one with a .22 and one with a shotgun will put alot of meat on the table.


New member
Use of a shotgun will allow for many more opportunity's. A shot with a .22 will have to be taken only when safe backstop is available. That is rare when squirrel hunting. remember, 1 1/2 mile range on a .22 rimfire.
Then with the 12 Ga. one must let a squirrel get some distance away or there will be nothing let to eat.


New member
You can hunt squirrels with a shotgun. Only problem is that then you have to contend with shot in the meat when you eat the critters. Always preferred a .22 for tree rats. A bit more sporty and much easier on the meat. Whenever I did use a shotgun on them I used #6 shot.


New member
if using 12 gauge one rats and want the meat clean i suggest walking around the tree until all you can see is the rats head and his body is hidden behind a branch and then shoot for a good headshot...There will be nothing in the meat and it will be a clean kill. This also takes patients and good stalking ability if the rats are smart. This has always worked for me when using a shotgun on them.


New member
Cylinder is ok unless you're in creek bottoms shooting up into big Pinoak or Beech trees before the leaves fall. I've always used a modified choke with HV 4 or 6 shot. If going after fox squirrels, 4s and full choke.