Springsteen: "41 Shots"

Rob Pincus

New member
One of the stories on tonights local news was about a PBA boycott of The Boss' Madison Square Garden concerts this week because of his new song "American Skin", which is subtitled "41 Shots". The songs lyrics are related to the Diallo shooting which we discussed, ad naseum, here over the past year or so.

I would be interested to hear your opinions of the song (if you have heard it....). I have listened to it a few times through and I don't particularly think it is anti-cop at all. In fact, Bruce's history is pretty well Pro-Police.
The song clearly characterizes the Diallo Incident as a tragedy, which I think most of us agree on.

There is one verse that I particularly like, in which a mother explains " the rules of the street", and asks her son to promise her that if he is ever stopped by an officer, he will "be polite", "not ever run away" and keep his "hands in sight".
After hearing the song, I think the PBA and FOP should incoporate it into an instructional video for highschoolers!



New member
From www.springsteen.org

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
41 shots
41 shots and we'll take that ride
41 shots

Lena gets her son ready for school
She says now on these streets Charles
You got to understand the rules
Promise me if an officer stops you'll always be polite
Never ever run away and promise mama you'll keep your hands in sight
Cause is it a gun?
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
The secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in your American skin
(41 shots-3 times)
Across this bloody river to the other side
41 shots they cut through the night
You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life
41 shots and we'll take that ride
Across this bloody river to the other side
41 shots my boots caked in mud
We're baptized in these waters and in each other's blood
It ain't no secret
Is it a knife?
Is it a wallet?
This is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
The secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in your American skin


[This message has been edited by JimR (edited June 13, 2000).]


New member
You're the cop and if you think it's not anti-police then that's good enough for me.
Take care. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."

Rob Pincus

New member
Those lyrics aren't complete, or at least they are not in the right order... The first verse is about the body in the vestibule....

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited June 13, 2000).]

Ed Brunner

New member
I happened to see Al Sharpton the other night discussing the police union's response to the song. He said it is ironic how the same police object to him and his people demonstrating and boycotting.
I have no use for hypocrites except for use as horrible examples!
The song is one more piece of Americana.
I, for one, do not believe that "American Skin" refers solely to ANY particular race, but I an sure that some will not agree.

Better days to be,


Rob Pincus

New member
I didn't get any racial tones from the song at all. I guess it could be argued that parts of it are sarcastic, but I am inclined to think that the lyrics are sincere.

I am anxious to hear what TheBoss has to say himself.

I played the song last night at a place where I and several other Officers are known to spend a few off-duty hours every week, and everyone there liked it too.



New member
I shudder to think the boss might have an anti-LEO song. I think I have all his CD's...

From looking at the lyrics, it doesn't appear to be anti. He's a pretty straight forward, no-nonsense kind of guy. It appears the tradgerdy moved him enought to write and sing the song.

I'm with Rob on this one. I'm a cop and it doesn't bother me. It would be interesting to see what the boss has to say, other than the lyrics.

those that ignore history are condemned to repeat it...

So I think there is a reason to sing about this. Just be glad it was the Boss who wrote this song and not some rapper wanna-be gang-banger. It isn't glorifying or degrading to any particular group of people. At least not directly.

I think the PBA over-reacted and only heard what they wanted of the song.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."