Springfield's Mil-Spec VS G.I.


New member
what are the main differences between the Mil-Spec stainless and G.I. stainless? Is it just different grips, sights and slide serrations??

Is the Mil-spec worth the extra $ ?


The Mil-Spec has non-GI improvements like a lowered and flared ejection port.

I think the website lays out all the differences.


New member
If you go to the Springfield board on the 1911 forums and search, the differences have been discussed many time. If I recall, the sights are different, and the ejection port on the GI has not been lowered. BTW - ejection port only matters if you reload.


New member
BTW - ejection port only matters if you reload.

I don't think that's a definitive statement. I don't reload, and I don't like dinged brass. But the gun will still function regarless the port. You just must be sure the extractor and ejector are properly tuned a little better/less room for error.

GI: low profile GI sights, regular port and vertical slide serrations (and grips?...take a look, I don't kow).

MilSpec: three dot sights, lowered and flared port, slanted slide serrations (and grips? again, take a look).

Three dots are nice to have (when they are spot on). My Colt Officer's acp has them, but they are way off after doing some work to the gun. Our GI has just regular low sights. I like the smaller margin of error I have with those sights, although they get tough to see in certain lighting.



Sights are sights. Low profile sights don't have any less tendancy to get off than higher ones.


New member
I have both and the difference beyond the cosmetics are:

the MilSPec have better barrels, better barrel bushing, better extractor, and no Made in Brazil sign on the dust cover.

I can shoot relatively tight groups with the SS Mil SPec(1.5-2 inches at 25 off hand), but after an Ed Brown Barrel Bushing to tighten up the lockup the GI is nearly as accurate, but the accuracy is in the 2.5-3 inch range. The lower ejection port on the Mil allows spent casing to fly away rather than fall straight back and nail you in the head and makes hand cycling a dud round a breeze.


New member
While the NM serial #'s Milspecs have the 1 piece barrel, stainless bushing, and do not say Made in Brazil, these are in the minority.

The majority of Milspecs come complete to SA from the same Imbel, Brazil plant as the GI and share the same barrel, bushing, extractor, and other small parts.

This topic is a dead horse.


New member
Both of these SA pistols are really fine. A word to the wise however. The sights on the GI are small and if your eyes are like mine (old) they are hard to pick up. Because of that I have a devil of a time shooting the GI well.


New member
ALL frames and slides come from Brazil. The amount of final fit and finish depends on the model. The Milspecs and GI's arrive complete. Higher end models have more US content in terms of parts and fit/finish works.

For a period, SA in the US was completing pistols with a 1 piece barrel and stainless bushing. These are the NM serial #'d models. Otherwise, they were the same as the Imbel produced Milspecs.


New member
Handy, I said I like shooting the low profile sights. Why is that an issue with you?

I'm saying that three dots are tougher to "fix" once they're off from work done on the gun. You can't just file down the front or similar when you're trying to dial it in because you also need to cover up the dots. The natural tendency of the eye is to focus on the brightest thing (the eye is attracted to light). If you leave dots on, but try to aim with the posts, it takes a little more thought than what's needed to aim. Your dots can be so far off it becomes stupid to compensate that much. Not to mention the fact you can compensate too much to not even see what you're shooting at.

I'm just telling the fella what he might experience, as I've already experienced it.

It is the same when going to a night sight. You can't just 'file down' a taller front to get the poa=poi because to have a vial to adjust. Sure sure, I imagine all this thinking on sights seems stupid to you, but it might not be to some. I am one of those people and I'm giving IM_Lugger a little to think about in case it does matter to him to. If not, then he can just forget about my input, no harm done.


I didn't realize you were talking about filing the sights to correct POA. That makes sense and I heartily agree.

I didn't catch that from your post about "smaller margin of error" that you were talking about modifying the sights at all.