Springfield XD Gear Holster - Too Tight...


New member
Just picked up a new XD holster for my XD 9mm. I have tried all kinds of adjustments, but it is still a tight fit and difficult to draw the gun. :confused: Anyone else having problems with this. This one may go back to the store...


New member
If the holster is made of leather, take the plastic bag that it came in, put the pistol in the bag and then into the hoster. Leave it at least overnight. It should stretch enough to allow for a smoother draw.


New member
My son's had the same problem. If you squeeze the muzzle end of the holster, you'll find a "happy" spot that allows you to holster and unholster. I put a black zip tie (tiewrap) around the end in one of the recessed areas and kept tightening it until I hit that point and clipped it off. Can't see it and it's a cheap fix. Good luck. ;)


New member
Sorry, I should have been more specific. It is a KYDEX holster. Plastic junk in my book.... :)


New member
The "lobster" treatment...

Fill a good sized pot with water and put it on a burner. While you're waiting for it to boil, take the holster completely apart. When you get a good boil going, throw the pouch in the water for 2-3 minutes. Wrap the gun in saran-wrap while the holster boils. Pick the holster out with a pair of tongs and grab it with an old towel, them shove the gun down in it. Let her sit until it cools- you'll be amazed at the difference. Worked like gangbusters on the holster for Peg's XD-40, although her's was so tight it took two 'baths' to get it right.

Re-assemble holster to paddle, adjust tension and loctite. You're done.

XD Niner

New member
Mine was tight to begin with too. Have you loosened the adjustment screw?
If it is alrady loose, spray a little Armorall inside the holster. It will make the inside slick and draws will be much easier.


New member
"Mine was tight to begin with too. Have you loosened the adjustment screw?
If it is alrady loose, spray a little Armorall inside the holster. It will make the inside slick and draws will be much easier. "

Armor All was the magic trick. Thank You. Works Great. Looks like it is a Keeper...