Springfield Range Officer 9mm - First Range Day


New member
I've had a hankering for a 1911 in 9mm for a while so I just picked up a new RO. When I got it home I stripped it and gave it a good inspection and cleaning. I was impressed with how well the frame and slide were machined. There were minimal and I mean very minimal machining marks. the surfaces were smooth and straight. The slide, barrel and bushing were tight and properly fit. There ain't no rattles in this one.

I took it out to the range and put 500 rounds through it. With the adjustable sights and reputation I expected it to group well which it does but was pleasantly surprised that it shot to point of aim. Groups at 15 yards were about 1.25-1.5 inches and that I'm sure was me and my 61 year old eyes. There were many hole in hole shots especially at 10 yards. One thing that I noticed quickly is how fast I could get back on target which I'm sure comes from the low recoil as compared to a 45. I don't know the recoil spring weight but it must be just right since it cycles perfectly but has minimal recoil. maybe one of the SA experts knows and can tell us, I would like to know so I can use the same weight when it comes time to replace many rounds down the road.

I experienced no hick-ups or failures of any kind and the gun cycles perfectly and it can also cycle very fast with several empty cases in the air when rapid firing. I was also impressed that the magazines that came with the pistol also performed flawlessly, no need to buy extra expensive magazines for this one. I did run some Wilson Combat10 round magazines without issue as well. All in all a great day at the range! :D