Springfield Professional


New member
I am thinking about ordering a really nice 1911 and I've considered Nighthawk, Wilson, Ed Brown, and Les Baer and I just keep coming back to the Springfield Professional for the relative exclusivity of it.

Does anyone know what the current pricing and lead time is on these? Last I checked lead time was something like 24-36 mos but that was a couple years ago.

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New member
There are a dozen on Gunbroker right now, there is no need to wait for one.

prices are all over the place, depending on the configuration.


New member
Google Severns Custom Thunder In the West and you'll find a great post on the 1911 forum by gunsmith Dave Severns. He took a lot of pistols apart in great detail, reviewed the parts (including pics), and then took them out for ransom rest shooting tests with varioius loads. While impressed by the Spingfield Professional, his review did expose some interesting things about it compared to the Les Baers and even the Dan Wessons. Now, Dave is unquestionably a Dan Wesson fan and he sells them, but for good reason (I own three DWs and a Les Baer).

Anyway, just something to check out. I do not have any experience with the Springfield, but I find it hard to fathom something being that much better than my Les Baer PII... which I bought used in LN condition for $1400.


New member
Be sure to check out the Dan Wesson Valor series. Lots of configurations and they just released a blued version.
Well, I have the little brother of the Springfield Armory Professional. The Springfield Armory TRP! I had the railed model with the bull barrel and all that jazz but I wasn't a huge fan. So sold it and kept the conventional 1911 TRP.

I flirted with the idea of a SA Professional. I also started putting a Dan Wesson V-Bob on layaway. But something about already being proficient (range wise) with the TRP and adding another $1,000+ for another 1911 that I'd be leaving a safe because 1. It has a safety and 2. It's almost $2,000 on a carry gun.

So I stuck to the TRP. Now, money is an issue as well. Not going to lie. Will I one day get myself a SA Pro, yes. And a DW V-Bob.

But for now my defensive firearms are SIG, HK, and Glock.


New member
I have a Springfield Professional and have zero complaints. It is the single nicest gun I own (including rifles and shotguns). It is absolutely reliable, incredibly accurate, nothing fancy about it. There's nothing I want to change about it. It's also my city/town carry gun.