Springfield M1A1


New member
I want one bad. I still cant make up my mind which one. Probably will end up suppressed and scoped. I'am leaning toward a loaded model but not sure on walnut vs syn stock.
I already have a CMP M1 Garand, DPMS LR308 and a couple of bolt 308 guns.

Any ideas welcome.


New member
I want one as well, have for years but everytime I am close to saving the money for one I end up buying a couple of other guns that I like for less than the M1A1. I will have one some day and when I do, it will have a walnut stock.

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I've had a Springfield Armory M1A since the mid 80s. (sorry, don't know what the M1A1 is (other than the Tommygun:)))

Other than the semi auto receiver and lack of full auto parts, it is a rack grade M14. And that's the way I want it.

It shoots as well, or better than I do. I don't shoot matches, and have no interest in a "match grade" one, especially at the insane prices asked for them.

I've had ARs, FALs, HKs, and the M1A. I still have the M1A, and its not going anywhere, except to a child or grandchild when the time comes.

Its the last real RIFLE we issued as a general infantry weapon, Uncle Sam trained me on one, it has a special place for me.

You will probably spend less money for the same accuracy if you go with a modern AR variant. Maybe better accuracy, I don't know. What I do know is the ergonomics of the stock M1A fit me well, and I shoot it well. And that's good enough for me.

Sgt Pepper

New member
I have an M1A Scout in fiberglass and absolutely love it. Much more handy than the full length model without any loss in accuracy. It is a really soft shooter. I also have a Garand in all of its woody glory, but I have had no urging at all to switch my M1A over to wood. I did not care for the look of the flash hider, though, and I switched over to the national match version (sans bayo lug o/c).


New member
Ive had M1A's in all the different lengths and eras. The 80's, early 90's era guns were great, and the best of the bunch, the later 90's, 2000 era's, not so much. Same goes for their pistols too, by the way.

If your are interested, I would suggest you look to the older guns.

I too prefer the standard rifle configuration over the others. With the shorter guns, youre simply giving up performance and really gaining nothing.


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I have a walnut stocked M1A Scout Squad rifle as well as a synthetic stocked National Match "Loaded." Both are reliable but the NM outshoots the Scout. No surprise there I suppose. The muzzle break on the Scout increases the report and the flash suppressor on the NM is unnecessary for my purposes. Great rifles, no complaints. If you want to spend the money, take a look at the M1A's from Fulton Armory.

T. O'Heir

New member
"...M1A1 is (other than the Tommygun)..." Folding stocked, Inland made only, M1 Carbine. snicker. No such thing as an S.A. Inc. M1A1.
Putting a suppressor on a Loaded M1A is kind of daft. It's a target rifle. However, which model you buy will depend on your intended purpose for the rifle.


New member
To answer, what I read is the orginal question, IMO, M14/M1A's are suppose to have wood stocks. I wouldn't put one of those on any of my surplus rifles (or my M1A) except my ARs and FAL which of course came with plastic.

Putting a suppressor on a Loaded M1A is kind of daft

That isn't true Match rife or not, a suppresser will save you ears, will reduce recoil, and allow for more relaxed shooting.

Plus its easy on those who may be in the area you're shooting.

If you have a good suppressor, and its installed and maintained correctly it will not effect accuracy.

But as mentioned, it will effect the shooter, allowing him to shoot better.


New member
Thanks for the input. Do you guys stay with the irons or scope. I'll give the peep sight a shot first.

I have a YHM 308 can I currently share with 4 rifles. One more won't hurt. Already have a extra QD laying around.
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I've got mine in a Blackfeather, scoped & suppressed.



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Do you guys stay with the irons or scope. I'll give the peep sight a shot first

I shoot mine with irons. I've used glass when I went to Sniper School and when I taught sniper schools.

But since I'm no longer in the game all I use are irons. My best 1000 yard scores I've fired were using my M1A with irons.

I got my distinguished rifle badge with this puppy.



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I still shoot mine in competition with irons. So far I can still give the black guns a run for their money. Also got my Distinguished shooting the M1A. One fine rifle!

Tucker 1371

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M14 forum has a plethora of knowledge about anything M1A or M14 related. Word for the wise, while the M1A is certainly a superb rifle it is not as American as SAI would want you to believe, nor is really anything they put their name on these days. The receivers I believe are manufactured in Brazil along with the bolt carrier group. Not sure about the other parts but finding that out was no small blow to my pride, I still love the rifle and hunt with it occasionally but now I wish I could afford an LRB or other all-American M1A, they are PRICEY though.

I bought SR420's used Juggernaut chassis for my M1A Scout. It's a nifty setup but it turned my 9lb hunting rifle into a 12lb apocalypse gun.


David R

New member
I shoot mine with irons. It's not as accurate as other rifles I have, but it's a great rifle to shoot offhand. For a scope you need a cheek piece or different stock.
while shooting mine when I first got it, I was shooting groups the same size irons or scope at 100 yards on an SR1. I gave up on the scope. I have shot it in a 100 yard offhand rifle match and did almost as well as my bolt action 223. It seems to be a hand load for accuracy. 2" @ 100 is good for my rifle with factory stuff. Better with handloads.

I prefer mine in the flat walnut stock



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I have a M1A Scout with fiberglass stock and I love it. Of course, I plan on dolling mine up with some Smith Enterprise parts whenever I have time to bring it over to my buddy there.


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Got Wood?

I had a full length and traded for a Scout. Much easier to get in and out of a vehicle with.



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I have a loaded model and it is excellent in all of its wooden glory. When I plan on taking it out into the woods I swap it out into a brown synthetic stock I have to keep the wood looking good. It is a smooth shooter and love to take it and my M1 Grand to the range together, they alwats gather a crowd.