Springfield M1A 9103, Birch stock


New member
A number of dealers are now listing the Springfield M1A model 9103 on their web sites. The price is generally slightly less than the models with walnut or synthetic stocks. The street price is about $1,080.

Springfield does not list this model on their web site, but one dealer has told me that this is their "economy" model.
  1. Is a difference in quality between walnut and birch stocks?
  2. Why doesn't Springfield list this on their site? I sent an email to Springfield asking about the gun, and asked for a link to info on their web site. This was the only response I received:
    Model MA9103 is a standard M1A with a birch stock. The MSRP is $1378.00. Thank you for your interest in Springfield products.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Many GI M14 stocks were birch, as are thousands of commercial rifle stocks. As a practical matter, there is no difference, though birch is usually a plainer wood than nice walnut. Properly stained, it is hard to tell from walnut.

If they are now making their own stocks, walnut is more expensive, and it is the savings on birch that SA, Inc. is passing on to the customer.

If they are using GI stocks, the difference in cost is negligible and they are ripping off the guy who wants walnut.

I would say that given a choice it amounts to how much you want to pay (or save) based on looks.
