Springfield EMP 9mm

Hunter Customs

New member
One benifit of being in the business I'm in is that I get to test fire several different types of guns after I've worked on them.

The other day a customer of mine that I've done a lot of work for dropped off a Springfield EMP in 9mm caliber for a front sight change and requested I test fire the gun.

I was impressed with the workmanship in the little gun and the way it felt in the hand.
After test firing the little gun I was really impressed and it's at the top of my list for 9mm guns.

As a matter of fact I'm thinking of getting myself one, of course I know as soon as my wife shoots it, it will no longer be mine.

Anyone thinking about a 9mm carry gun I can honestly say I highly recommend the Springfield EMP.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

Peter M. Eick

New member
I can't agree with you more. My emp 9mm is sitting on the shelf right this minute. Great little gun.

The one thing I find is the butt needs to be rounded a hair. I know mine sort of jabs me when I wear it behind the hip. I am thinking about sending it in to Springfield to make that minor change someday.


New member
+1 to that.

I've owned mine for a few years now and just received my new Kramer holster for it. Nice.

My only complaint, I really don't much care for ambidextrous safety levers.


New member
I have a EMP40 and will never part with it. It's a real quality piece and handles the 40 S&W really well.

Hunter Customs

New member
I've not carried one and when using a holster I do carry the gun high on my belt and tight to my body, so I may experience the same thing as you.
However that's a pretty simple thing to remedy.

I agree about the ambi safeties I'm not fond of them either.
I also don't like oversized paddles on thumb safeties, but I can als remedy that pretty easy, and most likely would if I get one.

I agree they are pricey compared to the plastic guns but the little Springfield seems to be a quality piece.
Plus they have a trigger system I'm used to and shoot well.
The one I shot has a trigger pull that's really sweet and that was right out of the box.

I've wondered how the 40 would be, I would love to try one.

Overall I believe Springfield has hit a home run with this one and I plan on getting one as soon as my distributors get some in stock.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter


New member
I really like the EMP .40 - it's my everyday carry gun. The only problem I had from the start was that it wouldn't always lock the slide back when the magazine was empty. Springfield sent me a new slide stop pin with a slightly different profile, and that fixed the problem 100%

Recoil is a little "snappy", but it's manageable. I'm very impressed at the fit & finish, and how good of a job Springfield did in getting a 3" 1911 to run right.


New member
I have lusted for an EMP ever since I handled one a year ago. They are a work of art! I just don't have 1100 to spend on a new gun right now. One day :D


New member
Me too!

I have one in 40. It didn't feed well at first but after a trip back to Springfield it works well. I find it is very accurate, easy to shoot and fits my hand well. It is one of my carry guns.
As a matter of fact I'm thinking of getting myself one, of course I know as soon as my wife shoots it, it will no longer be mine.

Be CAREFUL. It happened to me! :(

I'm wanting an EMP40 after owning the EMP9. For the R&R that went into it, fit and finish, features, and overall quality parts, there's no wonder why people can't keep them on their shelves long.


New member
I have to take mine from the safe and fondle it at least 1x a week:D I can't bring myself too shoot it! Watch out it will just be a safe queen. It's like a piece of jewlery.
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New member
dajowi... what all did you have done? I see the checkering on the front of the grip, which is very nice! Anything else? Stainless frame?


New member
Replaced ambi safety with a single side.

Machine checkered (20 lpi) front strap.

Rounded butt and M/S housing.

Nickel Teflon complete pistol.

SA did a very nice job and I wouldn't hesitate to use them again.


New member
I fondled the EMP for years before I found one used. It is a fine gun to shoot. My wife has taken it over though. She even calls it her gun. I guess I should get one for me now.


New member
I have looked around through the compact 1911 style pistols, and came across the Springfield EMP.

Being a left handed shooter, the ambi safety appealed to me. I like the looks of the gun.

I wish it had a more appealing price tag, but it isn't so bad that I have ruled out owning one some day. Its just one more on the long list of guns I want to own in my lifetime.